Satire and The Onion or SatireWire This satirical piece on Iggy Azalea is on the issue of the controversy over the course of
2014, with many accusing her for appropriating black culture for profit through her rap albums. In this piece the humor begins in the title “Iggy Azalea Opens Fried Chicken
Restaurant in Miami” The techniques they use is using ethos to describe in extreme detail how this so called restaurant runs and what it makes (black cultural food). Yes, the argument is very obvious and the farther you come to the end, anyone can understand the argument. It literally states “
Azaliea, née Amethyst Kelly, has faced much
controversy over the course of 2014, with many accusing her of appropriating black culture for profit though mediocre rap albums.” I believe this topic doesn’t deserve criticism because it’s just a story that society’s trying to portray since Iggy stands out like a sore thumb in rapping. I was only interested because the satirical article popped out to me and was actually very interesting. This issue affects me but not because I’m with the writer’s side. It’s unnerving due to the fact that they made such a big deal with the smallest flaw of a celebrity, it’s so common to be using a type of music that doesn’t fit the persons skin color or previous ethnicity. This is extremely effective on getting the point across, the idea of Azalea opening a fried chicken restaurant is a