Safeguarding Children Essay

Words: 3663
Pages: 15

Unit 69 – Understand safeguarding of children and young people for those working in the adult sector (Level 5)

Explain the policies, procedures and practices for safe working with children and young people.

Policies and procedures are set in place to not only protect children and young people but also adults who work with them. It is vital that all professionals follow safe working practices to ensure that not only children are protected but also themselves. I have chosen to talk about in a childcare setting for this unit. An example is, if a disclosure is made by a child to a member of staff, it is vital that it is always taken seriously even if it is proven to be untrue or inaccurate. The child or young person should be listened

Describe the possible signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern in the context of safeguarding.

An abused child is any child, up to the age of 18, who has suffered from, or is believed likely to be at risk of, physical injury, neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abuse. There are more but these are the ones I am to describe for this unit. It is recognised that it is abuse when someone inflicts harm or fails to prevent it. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by those known to them or