The case surrounds a sales manager, Joseph Frebert, From Alcon. He experienced a hard time working with skilled sales people. Adaptation to work within his people’s sales territory also proved difficult. The manager had pressure from work and domestic matters where he left everything to his fiancée, Ellen, a broker at Trout Brothers, was hard working compared to Joseph, confirmation from the large accounts she handles with influence in the wealthier Omaha area. She always thought of success at whatever time.
After their marriage, life changed positively, though in a very slow pace. While at work, Joseph came across different practices that were against the company’s policy. He found some of the workmates used to kickback while performing their task. Revealing such a practice to the vice-president might lead to problems. In this confusion of whether to keep quiet or report the matter to the vice-president, Joseph receives a call from his wife that she is Kathryn’s new broker.
B: Identify the key ethical issues you can find in the case
Conflict of interest
Joseph as a sales manager should ensure that the employees adhere to the polices and guidelines within the company. By him finding out that most employees engaged in kickbacks and that they are comfortable with practice made him indifference in his action. This situation made him confused on what step to take.
Honesty and Integrity
If Joseph raises the issue concerning kickbacks, he is risking losing his job. This is the worst moment considering what he heard about the sales manager who lost his job over the same thing. Honesty is compromised by the powers and vises of the vice-president.
Unstably policy:
“No kickback” policy is not works in every time.
Protecting the company against malpractices that may compromise the reputation of the firm gives credit to the employee. However, being proficient in such a company