|Milestones |Steps |Time |Resources |Progress |
|Model the cost to students who are |I will have to work out how many students are going to attend the prom. | |Spread sheet. |The time taken for me to complete this particular task was |
|going to the prom. |Figure out the right amount for the tickets. | |Micro soft word |3weeks which is 7 hours, it was supposed to be 9hours |
| |Create a spread sheet containing all the expenditure, cost of each, and | | |however one hour was cut off because all the computers was |
| |number needed, total cost. | | |down therefore I could not complete the task that day, also |
| |Goalseek the ticket price (cost of each students). | | |I eliminated the 1 hour that I used for the research. This |
| |Different what if methods. | | |means that I have exceeded the time I expected to take to |
| | | | |finish this task. |
| | | | |Moreover I have worked out how many students will be going |
| | | | |to the prom which is ‘150’ and ‘10’ staffs therefore there |
| | | | |will be ‘160’ tickets. |
| | | | |The resources I used for this task is a spread sheet to lay |
| | | | |out all the expenditure and more also to work out the ticket|
| | | | |price (cost per student). I used various different ‘what if’|
| | | | |methods which are ‘goal seek’, ‘trial and error’ and also |
| | | | |‘different options’ I have choose to do these particular |
| | | |