Over the weekend a man in New Bedford was caught unlawfully carrying a loaded firearm. Members of the narcotic unit and gang unit developed information about this individual and set up surveillance on Saturday night. The individual got into a cab that the officers were able to follow. The cab was shortly stopped by the officers. The man was taken out of the car and a pat frisk took place. The male was trying to press against the car to make it difficult for the officers to feel the loaded firearm, but the officers found it anyway. During the frisk pat a loaded 9mm Glock handgun was found with 8 rounds, one of the rounds being in the chamber. The male was placed under arrest and detectives are working to determine the origin of the handgun. The officers had to use their discretionary judgment with this individual because they were placing themselves in a potential harmful situation dealing with a person who had a loaded handgun. Placing surveillance was a critical decision point because they were able to monitor this individual before chasing after him. It was good that they were able to follow the cab and pull the cab over without placing the cab driver in danger as well. I think the decisions they made were very appropriate for the situation because if this man was not caught he would've been roaming the streets with a loaded handgun and could've potentially really hurt someone. I think police officers usually make the decisions
such as Michael Brown who was shot by police because he went for a cops gun inside a cops car. Slyville Smith was killed because he had a record of various arrests, and refused to put his illegally obtained pistol down when an officer asked him to. Where are the overzealous white cops who are out to take young black men into prisons for no reason? Where are the cops who kill solely because they're racist? Some may argue that cops who are pulling people over for “small” crimes like a broken tail light…
people, food, and vibes usually dial up a decent party. However that all changed after I heard someone yell “cops!” Cops are never in the recipe for a decent party. As everyone was in a frantic about the cops being outside I soon realized that I had no alcohol in my system nor could I go to jail for anything I did, so I calmed myself down mentally so I could think straight. As the cops pounded on the door the cheerleader who owned the house answered the door. Moments later I heard an unorganized…
those he arrests. According to noble cause corruption blogspot “In fact, there are studies which say that noble cause corruption has become a part of police subculture. This means that many police officers are doing it and they feel that they are right and that they are justified in their actions.” (Noble Cause) With noble cause corruption still an issue in everyday life that means there might be innocent people going to prison because the officer probably used illegal methods to get them there.…
Do police cops abuse their powers? By: Feda Hammood Period: 9 There has been a widespread of police brutality all around the United States for the past few months. There has been an outrageous number of police abuses occuring lately. The police officers are using excessive and unnecessary force when dealing with civilians. Color discrimination has also been a major inout into why police have been abusing their powers. Communites expect the police to serve and protect but in reality people…
employs an unusual stutter-step effect. The most striking moment occurs when Cop 223 is running after a suspect, crossing the screen from left to right: He’s in focus, but the background isn’t, and the result is that he races past a series of neon streaks, creating the impression that he’s somehow been dislodged from his surroundings—not in space, but in time. There's a shot which does something similar: in the scene where cop 633 is drinking a cup of coffee and Faye is watching him, the two characters…
largest branch of government because they control the cops and the DOD , The Legislative branch which is the “bank” side of the government , and the executive branch that includes the secret service and the president . Even though the president can veto laws and bills but both sides of congress have to approve of it first. The judicial branch controls the biggest part of government because of these reasons. The first reason how it is like the cops is because they make the laws and give them to the…
n and the cops decided not to act on protecting the community. I couldn't find a better way to describe this other than there are two sides of the story. I found many incidents where the public were the ones attacking the police. One event took place in New York “Officers Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos were ambushed in broad daylight while sitting in their patrol car in Brooklyn on Saturday” (Calls for Calm After NYPD Union Says Mayor, Protesters Have Blood on Their Hands for Cops’ Murder). This is just one of the multiple…
that, a number of people on social media sites, especially celebrities, have been showing their support to the protesters and grievance towards the victims and their families. This issue goes way beyond New York City and goes deep into the views on cops who purposely abuse their powers. Although the police officer did not get indicted, I think that he should’ve. There was much consistent evidence, including a video that showed the officer’s excessive and unnecessary force towards the victim. Not only…
that brainwashed the common people's mind thinking there is no good cop. Police put themselves in life or death situations, they protect us from all harm; what they do is so important yet it often goes unnoticed. According to the author of "The Cop Mind", "Nothing excuses specific acts of police brutality, especially in the Garner case, but not enough attention is being paid to the emotional and psychological challenges of being a cop." (Brooks 1). To understand society’s opposition against police,…
your favorite series. As you struggle to find the right channel, you come across a scene from Cops; hostages, cops, gunfire, chaos and terrorists. Before you know it you find yourself glued to the couch, tightly holding on to the pillow as it was your lifeline. The scene has brought upon you a rush of adrenaline that teleported you to the scene, the intricate details submerged you in an atmosphere of excitement and alertness. You are now one of the cops trying to rescue the helpless hostages that are…