Essay about Revolution: Examined Life and Human Nature

Submitted By JACKRABBIT111
Words: 495
Pages: 2

In Examined Life, Michael Hardt discussed the word revolution. He described his adventure throughout the eighties, where he was an activist working in like mindedness with revolutionaries in El Salvador. This remained until the revolutionaries requested for his friends and himself to end their time there. Though they appreciated and found his efforts to be obliging; They told him that he should go back to the United States and make a revolution there, opposed to than trying to help a battle which was not his to fight.

As Aristotle said, “every person is capable to have rich and fruitful lives.” After all, defining this as something that does not equal other things makes it into something purely negative. As seen something as revolution; something purely good can be a thrill, but also that of a nightmare; an economic deal, or even a biological necessity. Something worth fighting for it seems would most prominently be fought for in cities of more global assistance. As said by Hardt, "It makes little sense to me to say revolution can't be made in the United States or revolution can't be made in Europe because everyone is too comfortable- because they have too much to lose, etc. They to have an enormous amount to gain."

Because of this, revolution is impossible without identity politics, or it may be because of identity politics that we find ourselves too “comfortable.” The common link that all correct revolutionary politics is faced share a transformation of identity; “transformation of human nature.” Each individual who alters his or her identity is apart of that of human nature. A stronger termination of identity is what a revolution does, a group with similar identity fighting for a greater cause that most often will be influencing a better world for all of us. For example the peace movement in the 60s, who seek to achieve ideals of ending a particular war.

Human nature is constituted, it is not good nor