Essay on Retailing and Self Service Checkout

Submitted By Nargispb1
Words: 600
Pages: 3

The way in which a self service checkout works is you basically scan your item into the barcode scanner in which it detects your item, with that information of the product you scanned the system should update it onto the screen saying if that item had any offers going, after that you put your item into the bag where it weighs itself on top on the scales. The system will weigh your item for you plus its for the system to know that you have that item. After you have scanned in all your items, it will add up all your totals together taking away where you could have saved money. eg offer
One of the input devices used in a self service checkout is the barcode scanner. The barcode scanner is normally under the screen, you would have your item in your hand and make sure your face the barcode towards the front to ensure that the system scans and reads the item. The item will be saved onto the system and it will then check on the system if that product is on offer or any price change which will update onto your screen, outputting the price to you. Also another input device is the touch screen, even though it outputs information to you, you have to touch it to enter information in, for example in this case you press at the end if you would like to pay with cash or card.
After you have scanned your items, the self service checkout system will tell you what to do by speaking to you, you will hear this from the output device, the speakers. This should tell you tell you to place your items in the bagging area. When placing your items in the bagging area you would normally put your items in the bag which would be on top of scales which would weigh your item making sure you have the correct items in the bag that is on the system that you had previously scanned. Many people had faced difficult with this bit, even though its just putting your items in the bag, this is most post possibly because you product is to light and the system could not read it.
If there were any faults when processing your items the system will say ‘please wait for a member of