Response Essay

Submitted By amorrow06
Words: 1035
Pages: 5

As I sat at the kitchen counter feeling like my stomach was in my throat, my best friend asked, “Are you ready for this?” Am I ready is a question I didn’t seem to have the answer to. I had become sexually active as a young teenager and thought it was in my best interest to be on birth control. When I turned sixteen and had not had a pregnancy scare, that made me feel invincible. This all changed one Sunday when I started throwing up, and I started having the weirdest cravings. Realizing I wasn’t feeling normal and remembering the symptoms my friend had when she became pregnant made me realize that maybe I wasn’t invincible. My body was undergoing changes I could not stop, but rather than fight it learned to cope with it. In no way did I ever think I would be questioning myself if I was pregnant. I thought maybe I had the flu, but I could not understand why I was having weird cravings. After a week had gone by and my sickness had not subsided, I decided it was a good idea to get a pregnancy test. The immense feelings that I felt while waiting in line just to ask for a pregnancy test were almost unbearable. The woman standing behind me gave me dirty looks and made snooty comments. I wish I could have told her, “Yes I am sixteen requesting a pregnancy test, and I am also being safe and taking birth control.” However, I am sure it would have not changed her nasty opinion about me anyways. If a patron I did not know reacted to my taking a pregnancy test at that young age, what would my mom say? That was another question I didn’t seem to have the answer too. After returning home, I built up enough courage to take the test. So many things were running through my mind as I opened the package that could have life changing results. How did this happen? I was on birth control. We were using protection. How will I pay for this child with no job? As I waited with my friends for the results, I couldn’t help but feel hopeless and scared. I knew if this test was positive, my life would be changing and some of friends sitting here now wouldn’t be sitting here a couple years down the road. I had only completed my freshman year of high school. All of my friends would be going off to college, and I would have a preschooler by that time. Remembering the feeling I got when I heard the sound of the buzzer going off to check the pregnancy test is a feeling I will never forget. It seemed like the sound of an alarm that my life was going to end. When I walked into the restroom, I didn’t hesitate to look at the pregnancy test. I picked it up and indeed it was a pretty clear positive. Immediately, I dropped to my knees and the tears started falling. That moment made me come to the realization that my whole life was about to change drastically. All of my hopes and dreams about going to an all-star college and playing sports went out the window. Surprisingly, I wasn’t upset about that or angry. I was more scared thinking about if I would be a good mom, how I would graduate, or if I could find a job at my age. I knew the first thing for me to do was to tell my mom. Later that evening, the walk to my front door seemed like it took an eternity. Calmly I walked into my mom’s room and laid the pregnancy test on her night stand. She looked at me and I looked back at her. I could read what she was thinking: “How did this happen?” So I just stated, “I am not sure how this happened, well obviously