Research Recruitment
Social and Behavioral Research Methods/MPH5200
In the United States, adolescent girls are more prone to be diagnosed with eating disorders in comparison to males, because of the country’s culture that promotes females to be skinny. As many as 5 - 10 million adolescent girls and women and nearly 1 million boys and men are struggling with eating disorders (National Eating Disorders Association, 2004). Eating Disorders are very traumatic and detrimental to many suffering individuals. This targeted population may experience effects from eating disorders. For example one may experience dehydration and other symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, confusion, inability to concentrate, and loss of memory. Other illnesses as a result to eating disorders include kidney failure, irregular heartbeat, congestive heart failure and even death. This raises the need for research studies to better understand the psychological, social and behavioral factors that contribute to the disease among this targeted population. The best sampling method and recruitment of participants will help better understand these factors will help in public health intervention and prevention programs for eating disorders.
Selected Sample Used for Research Case
Convenience sampling is the most widely used technique in health promotion research that uses preexisting groups (Crosby, DiClemente, & Salazar, 2006). Convenience sampling can be completed through soliciting volunteers from prevention-intervention programs in schools and other public health agencies. The Challenges to this sampling method is that type of sample is drawn in a way that does not give every member of the population a chance of being selected therefore they key in this method is to ensure the selected group represents the targeted population. Advantages to nonprobability convenience sampling is that it is extremely fast, easy, readily available, and cost effective, causing it to be an extremely attractive option to most researchers. Many researchers turn to this type of sampling for data collection, as they can swiftly gather data and begin their calculations. Because very little preparation is needed to effectively use convenience sampling for data collection, it is useful in time sensitive research (Convenience, 2013).The sample population will include participants between the ages of 12 and 18; have previously had or currently be receiving professional treatment for eating disorders; and have parental permission to participate. Eating disorders will be used in the research design to determine psychological, social, and behavioral factors that contribute to the design within the sample population.
Eating Disorders Research Design
Many adolescents experience low self-esteem, depression, anger and lack of control of his or her life. Culture pressures and cultural norms place value on their physical appearance and having the perfect body places value on outward appearance rather than inner qualities. Media shapes the targeted population’s thought process about themselvesand works together in forming a stereotype and censorship concerning weight and body shape.Binging and purging food are commonly exhibited among adolescents. These factors are commonly overlooked, unaddressed and can lead to eating