Title: Television Viewing and Television in Bedroom Associated With Overweight Risk Among Low-Income Preschool Children.
Full Article Reference (APA style): Dennison, B. A., Erb, T. A., Jenkins, P. L. (June 2002). Pediatrics, Vol. 109 Issue 6, p1028. 8p. 2 Graphs. ISSN: 0031-4005
Abstract Television (TV) viewing is associated with obesity among school-aged children, adolescents, and adults, but this relationship has not been evaluated in preschool-aged children. Objective. To describe the TV/video viewing habits of a multiethnic, low-income preschool population of children and to determine whether TV/video viewing is related to their adiposity. Design. Cross-sectional survey of parents/guardians with measurements of children's height and weight. Setting and Participants. Two thousand seven hundred sixty-one adults with children, 1 through <5 years, from 49 New York State agencies of the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. Outcome Measures. Cross-sectional relationships between the amount of time the child spends viewing TV/ video and the presence of a TV set in the child's bedroom, with the prevalence of overweight children (body mass index [BMI] >85th percentile) after adjustment for potential confounders. Results. Mean TV/video viewing times were higher among black children and Hispanic children than white children and increased with the child's age. In multiple logistic regression, the odds ratio of children having a BMI >85th percentile was 1.06 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.004-1.11) for each additional hour per day of TV/ video viewed, independent of child age, child sex, parental educational attainment, and race/ethnicity. Almost 40% of children had a TV set in their bedroom; they were more likely to be overweight and spent more time (4.6 hours per week) watching TV/video than children without a TV in their bedroom. In multiple logistic regression, the odds ratio of having a BMI >85th percentile was 1.31 (95% CI: 1.01-1.69) among those with a TV in their bedroom versus those without a TV, after statistical adjustment for child age, child sex, child TV/video viewing hours per week, maternal BMI, maternal education, and race/ethnicity. Conclusions. This study extends the association... [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Introduction a. Is the need for the study clearly stated in the introduction? Explain by using information presented in the literature review.
b. What is the research hypothesis or question?
(The hypothesis is …Is obesity related to television watching in the bedroom for preschoolers?)
c. What are the variables of interest (independent and dependent variables)? (children watching more than an average of 2 hours per day of TV/videos, IV; changes in BMI, DV)
d. How are the variables operationally defined? (By the length, width, height of the children)
a. Sample Size (Total): _____2761___________ Size Per Group/Cell: ______2_________
b. Were the methods and procedures described so that the study could be replicated without further information? What information, if any, would you need to replicate or reproduce this study?
(The need of different age groups and races is the most important information need to replicate.)
a. How were participants selected and recruited? (2761)
b. Were subjects randomly selected? (Yes)
c. Were there any biases in sampling? Explain. (No. The things reported were self-reported.)
d. Were the samples appropriate for the population to which the researcher wished to generalize? (Yes.)
e. What are the characteristics of the sample populations? (Hispanic, non-Hispanic black, non-Hispanic white, Asian, Native American, multicultural, or other with 10th, 11th, high school degree, general equivalency diploma, 2 years of college, 2 years of college, <2 years of college but 4 years of college, 4-year college graduate, Master’s degree, or Doctoral degree education).