Report to the COO Shiji Tom Philip GCU Health Care Information Systems and Technology HIM-615-0500 Mike Tighe June 8, 2015 Report to the COO The introduction of information systems in health care industry has made enormous development in patient care and satisfaction. The interoperability of the different systems with in a organization is important to achieve effectiveness of the system. The process of developing and integrating the information system is time consuming, complex and costly. This paper is a report submitted by an informatics director to the chief operating officer of an organization proposing a solution to solve the communication problems within the information system. Maintaining a proper ONC is a staff division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The primary function of the ONC is the implementation of an interoperable, private and secures nationwide health information system and supporting the widespread, meaningful use of technology (Blazona & Koncar, 2007). Interoperability is the ability of a system to communicate each other and function as a single system to provide quality patient care. There are several requirements that need to be addressing while developing a new device or system of integration. There are functional and non-functional approaches of integration. The non-functional requirements include flexibility, real time, reusability, performance, complexity, maintainability, maturity and probability. The functional requirements include scalability and heterogeneity (Sabooniha, Toohey & Lee). Even though interoperability helps to standardize care within the organization, there are several challenges that need to be solved before the implementation of the new device. The most important challenge is the financial stability. The finance system and delivery of the health care system are two important economic challenges. The risk of breach of patients’ privacy rights prevents providers from letting to share the treatment details of their patients. (Sao, Gupta & Gantza, 2013).The insurance agencies also play a significant role