Renissance: Italy and Profound Cultural Change . Essay
Submitted By rimmerb
Words: 756
Pages: 4
The Itilian renasissance was aperipd from about 1350 until 1600. This time period was when the european's developed profound cultural change. they reverted back to more classical traditions in things like art and literature. Humanist improved their understanding of Greek and Latin, studied old manuscripts and tried to copy the classical writing style. they had a strong belief in individual fulfilment and seeking happiness in everything you do. In order to help others gain this lifestyle the humanist opened schools to teach the subjects related to the study of humanity. Through the humanist teachings and writings they reawakened the educated public to classical values and encouraged new ideas that eventually spread from Italy through Europe and reshaped European civilization. During the renaissance the Italian goverment was not under one government but consisted of individual city-states, each ruled by am wealthy family whose fortune came from commercial trading or banking. During the 1400 a few city-states decided that the government should be ruled by one powerful leader to end the quarrelling between the rest of the city-states. These ruler were called Signori. Some signori ruled as dictators and used violence to maintain power. While others won the loyalty of the city-states with their generous giving to the arts and festivals. Some of the art that came out of the Renaissance was the classic architecture with the simply,e domes and columns from the original Greek and roman architecture. The renaissance also produced some of the most famous artist like Michelangelo and
The Itilian renasissance was aperipd from about 1350 until 1600. This time period was when the european's developed profound cultural change. they reverted back to more classical traditions in things like art and literature. Humanist improved their understanding of Greek and Latin, studied old manuscripts and tried to copy the classical writing style. they had a strong belief in individual fulfilment and seeking happiness in everything you do. In order to help others gain this lifestyle the humanist opened schools to teach the subjects related to the study of humanity. Through the humanist teachings and writings they reawakened the educated public to classical values and encouraged new ideas that eventually spread from Italy through Europe and reshaped European civilization. During the renaissance the Italian goverment was not under one government but consisted of individual city-states, each ruled by am wealthy family whose fortune came from commercial trading or banking. During the 1400 a few city-states decided that the government should be ruled by one powerful leader to end the quarrelling between the rest of the city-states. These ruler were called Signori. Some signori ruled as dictators and used violence to maintain power. While others won the loyalty of the city-states with their generous giving to the arts and festivals. Some of the art that came out of the Renaissance was the classic architecture with the simply,e domes and columns from the original Greek and roman architecture.