Reliability and Validity in Selection Process Essay

Words: 2596
Pages: 11


This research work focuses on the various aspects of evaluative standards like reliability and validity. Alongside the research work here describes the various phases in a selection process and a case study which help understand how reliability and validity can be examined and achieved over the entire selection process.


Validity in general is “the accuracy in measurement and it must measure what it purports to measure” (Cooper, Robertson and Tinline, 2003, pp 49)

Different types of validity can be considered as per the research area. Research shows while hiring an employee through a standard recruitment and selection process the construct validity, content validity and criterion based

Person Specification generally highlights skill, experience, academic qualifications and personality attributes and commonly classifies as essential and desirable (Taylor, S., 2002, pp 101)

Competency Analysis and Competency Framework

This stage falls under competency based approach which is often treated as person based rather than job based. The employees are hired by mapping the competencies required for the job and then evaluating the competencies of potential employee against the desired standard competencies. (Taylor, S., 2002, pp 106)

Recruitment and selection

Recruitment is the process of driving a pool of candidates that further helps in choosing of a right candidate through correct selection process. The selection process may comprise of various aptitude test, psychometric tests, technical test followed by an hr round in the end as per the demand of positions to be filled in. Reliability and validity at this stage can be achieved if the various tests are so designed that they are consistent and at the same time lead in drawing the expected results as per the position requirements.

Practical Imperatives affecting selection

The selection process may get affected by various factors. This can be classified into factors internal and external to the organization. The internal factors like organizational objectives, Personnel policies, size of the firm and cost may affect the selection process in