The Faces of Poverty
Elissa Black
REL 320A Spirituality, Character and Service
Professor Shawn Anderson
Warner Pacific College
February 2, 2015
The Faces of Poverty The Faces of Poverty is about exactly what the first sentence states “Poverty is a strange and elusive thing”. The writer states that poverty is not just about money. Poverty is about space and lack of housing and individuals and families on the brink of being broke. The slums are not the only poverty however sometimes just the most obvious. It did not use to be that hard to rent or buy a home and today it is so hard to save up the money and then we are all in debt. The reading also points out that we will always have poverty however the writer does not believe God intended there to be as much poverty and class differential as there is now. We, as a society created the problem and it is our duty as citizens to help each other.
A lot of people think poverty only means you are not wealthy however poverty comes in different forms. Like the reading says poverty has many faces. I work with people coming out of homelessness. Poverty is in my face on a daily basis and I do also see the many faces of it. It is frustrating to try to help someone get a job working for nothing and then trying to find a place to live. It also makes me think about my own situation and trying to save for house and having to pay a mortgage and school loans back. Feeling like I am in my