Reflections: Mass Media and Doris Cassidy Mass Essay
Submitted By brionnaw
Words: 387
Pages: 2
Reflection Journal 2: Research Challenges and Benefits
Doris Cassidy Mass media with unsubstantial amounts of evidence to prove validity makes me believe the source is not exaggerating a redundant issue, or story for publicity. Although the information in a newspaper or magazine such as New York Times or USA Today may be brilliant method of learning what is happening in the world. Therefore, the accuracy of the stories can be harder to discern. It is vital to use references with reliable sources. Reputable media outlets insist on name sources because of accountability. Anonymous sources are accountable to no one. There is no consequence to unnamed sources getting facts wrong, telling half-truths, or outright lying. Anonymous sources can use the media for their own purpose. Sometimes there is no way to confirm the veracity of the claims. The burden is on the reporter and the media outlet to substantiate the claim either with a paper trail or with on the record quotes. When a reporter is providing copies of the actual memos he references in the article, then there must be a sensible doubt as to whether the story he is telling is mostly true. One must gather information successfully, which includes books on your topic, articles and blog on the internet. It is important to read all the research you complied and research their incredible to their sources. Therefore, you should compare, contrast and analyze your material relating to your topic. Contrasting is