Reflection About Religion

Words: 840
Pages: 4

For the past few weeks I have gotten the opportunity to dive into religion using countless articles, books, artifacts, and videos. The religions we focused on were Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Each and every religion has their own powerful beliefs and ideas. When it comes down to it however, they all connect in someway, weather that means the gods they believe in, their history, or similar holidays they celebrate. Even if you don’t practice another religion, it’s worth learning about.
During our studies we focused a lot on connections between the different religions. One that stood out to me was Judaism and Christianity. Judaism was around long before Christianity in fact the founder of Christianity was a jewish way

They do this to symbolize symplicity which is one of the key parts of the religion. It all started with a prince who, for most of his life hadn’t experienced anything of the outside world. He was given anything he needed and he realized he wasn’t for that life, so he set out on a journey and founded the religion called Buddhism. At first he tried fasting but he realized he didn’t need to suffer and the new religion was founded on the idea of living somewhere in between his prior life of lavish and his new life of starvation. They celebrate, Obon and Vesak including many other holidays and festivals. If you were Buddhist you would worship at a temple with a Buddha, one of their spiritual leaders. A religion very similar to it is Hinduism. They both are very into meditating and believe in the cycle of Samsara, life>death>rebirth all in a repetitive cycle. This religion also comes from India and you can also find Hindus worshipping in temples. They celebrate Holi, the return of spring, and Diwali which is a festival of lights. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions there are. Another very old religion is Judaism. It was founded by a man named Abraham some time in the BC era. Jews were not excepted for a long time. The city of Jerusalem, the capital of Judaism, was rebuilt numerous times after opposers of the religion destroyed over and over. They worship in a synagogue and one of their leaders is a Rabbi