Devasmita and the nun, two characters in Somadeva’s “The Red Lotus of Chastity”, employ the same concept from Machiavelli’s “The Prince”. Both Devasmita and the nun attempt to follow Machiavelli’s concept of being a lion and fox. However, only Devasmita succeeds in being both animals while the nun is merely a power hungry lion trying to dress up in a fox costume that did not fit. This concept of being a fox and lion means that to succeed in your ‘battle’ a person must be a cunning, deceitful fox and a powerful, aggressive lion both at the same time. “He should select among them the fox and the lion, because the lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot protect himself from the wolves.” (2528 Prince) In this, By thinking outside the box like a sly fox would, Devasmita easily puts another cuckold on the merchant’s sons and leaves them speechless when they are proven to be her slaves. Contrasting to the success of Devasmita, the nun’s plan ends up in utter failure. This is mainly because the nun is merely a dimwitted and hungry lion trying to appear as a fox. Despite her attempts in trying to deceive Devasmita, the nun gives away her plan from the beginning and has no chance in beating her. “‘There are some merchant’s sons from the Archipelago who are staying in town,’ said the nun. ‘I shall bring them to you if you want.’ Overjoyed the nun went home”. (965) When the nun tells Devasmita that she will deliver the merchants’ sons to her, she is automatically failing to be a Machiavellian fox. Because the nun reprimands Devasmita for not following her duty, she gets caught up in her own lies, and forgets to pay attention to her own duty (which Devasmita sees right away). Because the nun has a higher position in society than Devasmita does, when the nun tells her that she will do the dirty work for her, Devasmita is able to see right through the nun’s plan. Also the fact that the nun goes home ‘overjoyed’ proves that she fails as a fox because a fox should always have a watchful eye on its surroundings instead of being caught up in the moment. Her over-enjoyment of the situation exposes her obvious schemes as a vicious lion to the wily Devasmita. There is a
Syree Davis Eng.203 Nov. 1 2012 Ms.tody The Red Lotus of Chastity and The Thousand and One Nights The females in The Red Lotus of Chastity and The Thousand and One Nights struggled against ideas of chastity that were created by a male dominated society. They had to over come the cultural ideals of what women should be and do. Devasmita and Shahrazad both decided to take matters into their own hands and not fall to male authority or their tricks. The themes of these novels are the feminine…
fortune • Vishnu, who defeated the demon Naraka • Commemorates Rama’s return to his kingdom after defeating Ravana, the evil king who had abducted his wife, Sita ( Swastika • Good luck symbol represents “well-being” • Usually drawn in red and is used on • wedding invitation, • decorative drawings • textiles and • in rituals to bring good luck • protect against evil • Image represents Shiva as Nataraj, the Lord of Dance, is a prevalent Hindu icon •…
the il khanate in Persia and the middle east, and the Chagati khanate in central asia 17. $*Chinggis KhanThe head of the nomadic Mongol Empire, or Khagan, who lead the mongolian conquest across Asia and the Silk Road and established Karakorum as the Empire’s capital. 18. white lotus society Secret religious sects, sought to overthrow the mongol dynasty that ruled china, leader claimed they had magical power to heal their followers and encouraged peasant resistance against the mongols. 19. Ming Dynasty) [Ju Yuanzhang] Founder of the Ming dynasty…
morality. Also, Koestler wrote essays that mostly expressed his disappoint with communism and are collected in The Yogi and the Commissar and Other Essays, and in The God That Failed. His last political novel, The Age of Longing explored the disaster of Western culture after World War II. He also wrote a couple memoirs, Arrow in the Blue and The Invisible Writing. His later work dealt with science, creativity, and mysticism. His later works included The Act of Creation, The Lotus and the Robot, The Ghost…
RTN on your record. This means that I am returning your paper ungraded because if I were to grade it as submitted it would fail. You have a lot of interesting information and insight to this topic; however, so far you have given more of an opinion essay on the topic. Please remember, this is a formal research paper, where you need to state claims, then provide scientific research to support your viewpoint (along with citing the sources of the information within your paper). Additionally, the premise…