Essay on Recording, Analysing & Using HR & L&D information

Words: 1006
Pages: 5

Activity 1
There are several reasons why an organisation needs to collect HR data and are no different. During my review I have discovered the following reasons we are collecting this information and examples of information that we are collecting:

• Legal requirements-
This has covered working time regulations, tribunals, accident at work reports
• To be able to contact family or individuals-
This allows us easy access to personal details in case of accidents, sickness or emergency contacts
• To allow for decision making-
Information stored allows us to consider promotions, planning training & associated costs, work force planning

Types of information:
• Sickness records- Allows HR to track staff sickness and provides

I have analysed the training that has been completed since June 2013, looking at the qualitative data consisting of the different types of training and analysing the quantitative data including the total of over 600 candidates and shown this in data base and a Bar Graph (appendix 1)
To allow us to accommodate this essential amount of training, we have had to utilise different training providers ranging from within our own group, , local providers HITs, Sureclean and STS and even gaining cooperation from providers based in London, workplace Law.
By utilising these training providers, we have been able to provide a trained workforce as required for our projects but at a substantial cost to our business and with different standards of delivery.
Since June, Training department have been responsible for arranging the following courses that we could easily facilitate given the correct investment:
24 Confined Space sessions at a cost of
1 1st Aid Course at a cost
5 Helper Training at a cost
3 IOSH managing safely at a Cost of
As this clearly demonstrates, a substantial volume of capital constantly has to be allocated to training our project workforce to bring them up to the required competence standard for each project. Unfortunately as they are not on permanent contracts these new skill sets and level of competence can and does disappear