Essay on Reconstruction: Slavery in the United States and State Constitution

Submitted By PLSoccer619
Words: 998
Pages: 4

History of the United States II

Small banks, small business, and working class tended to become democrat. This was because the government at the time was Republican.
In the south (whites) would resent the North for winning the war. Therefore, they were probably democrat.

At the time, Abe was president (Republican); this was supported by Big business and Big banks, also, the African American community was probably Republican as well.


Up-country (Small Farmers)
Farmers (multiple types), Corn (crops), Milk (Butter, Milk), Eggs, and Cotton:
= Very locally operated – would not farm for cash return, but simply to make money for clothes and pick axes.
These farmers also did not promote the same slavery that the north did.
(If) they had slaves, they worked along-side them and did not have many.
These farmers suffered the most from the civil war. (
Therefore causing them to potentially go against the plantation ____ potentially causing them to vote Republican because the Plantation ____ was wholly Democrat.
The confederates were NOT fighting for a noble cause. What they were doing was liable for arrest. When they fled, they left 10,000 slaves.
This caused an “orgy of violence”. They went and destroyed cotton fields (Showing us that they probably knew why they were slaves [money for others]) (Auctions)
After this, they began to figure out “real life”.
Because the confederates fled, the US Government and Speculators now confiscate the land. They saw the Cotton fields and wanted the value within this.
Great Brittan was the number one buyer of the South’s Cotton. 0nce they stopped receiving the cotton (because of the land take over) they began to follow the army to get cotton so they could make a profit.
When the land auctioned off – Almost all of it went to the speculators, the government and the treasury Agents – Therefore leaving almost none for the freed slaves.

The confederates in the Southern Louisiana were holding slaves. The War was being fought to end slaver but the Confederate Plantation owners (Democrats). But the Army wanted to keep the Plantation owners (democrats) happy, therefore causing them not to go and end slavery on their plantations.

Nathaniel Banks Resolution to this ^^^
Vagrancy Laws: they could not be “loitering” or walking around in groups.
If they were arrested they would be sent back to the Plantation they were taken from. they would be given food, housing and money, however, still not free.
People did not like this and called it “slave patrol” – This was taken care of by the union army.

In 1863 Abraham Lincoln issued his plan for reconstruction: The proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction – aka. the Ten Percent Plan
Offered a full restoration of rights, a clean record to people who
Pledged loyalty to the United States
Pledged to end Slavery

the “Ten Percent Plan” means that only 10% of the state had to pledge this, and this law would pass

Among the people that could vote
No women
No blacks
And no “poor” whites
This caused about only 10% of people even to vote

The Government (even Abe’s own men) did not like this plan. It was to lenient. After the war and all of that, this would bring unity too easily among all states.
Wade Davis
This was made by the Congress. However, it did not come to pass because Abe did a “Pocket Veto”. Meaning he did not sign or officially Vito, but simply placed the papers he needed to sign in his pocket and “forgot about it”

Modern Republicans
Fredrick douglas – Worked to end slaver
“You don’t have to do any more than to give the freed people the right to vote.

Radical Republicans
Voting rights are not enough.
They saw the Quadroon Bill (see below) and said they were not sorry for what they did. in 1865 created something called “the Freed-men’s Bureau”
Distribute food