Essay about Reconstruction Era of the United States and Black People
Submitted By SeymourCox
Words: 292
Pages: 2
The election of 1872
Rumors of corruption during Grants first term discredit republicans.
Horace greeley runs as a democrat liberal republican candidate.
Greeley attacked as a fool and a crank.
Black People were starting to get more and more involved in politics.
Black People were starting to go to school.
Core voters were black veterans.
Blacks were politically unprepared.
Blacks could register and vote in states since 1867.
Wham bam in the clam.
The 15th amendment guaranteed federal voting.
Ratified in 1870.
The right of citizens of the Us to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the US or by any state on account of race, color, or precious condition of servitude.
The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Women were not allowed to do anything so they got upset and started getting pissy.
In 1866 a group of white southerners created the KKK in repose to the amendments.
The KKK was a secret society opposed to Blacks obtaining civil rights.
The KKK used violence and intimidation to frighten blacks.
Plessy vs. Ferguson
The supreme court ruled segregation was legal in Plessy v. Ferguson.
During Reconstruction, ex-slaves were promised 40 acres of land and a mule.
Unfortunately, the government never followed through.
Depression of 1873
Reconstruction was not as big of a concern to many people.
Democrats took advantage of the conditions and took control of the house of reps in 1874
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