Rebuilding the Economy To begin with, the United States is home to many people, of different cultures, ethnicities, and religions. Can you believe that there was a time when we didn’t get along with different cultures? A time when their wasn’t peace amongst other religions? A time when we weren’t living in harmony? There was a time where women didn’t have the right to vote simply because they were women, and men didn’t want them to do what they would call “A Man’s Job”. It took us a long time to get where we are today. Allow me to elaborate.
The problems we faced many years ago are reasons we stand strong today. During the Progressive Era, there were many major historical turning points selected on America’s current society, economy, and culture. One of the major turning points is the establishing of the Clayton Antitrust Act that was passed in 1914 that outlawed unfair practices among businesses. Another was the establishing of the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act that prevented the employment of children under sixteen. Two acts that we go buy in today’s society. During this period the population increased from ten million to 30 million in a matter of years. In addition to the population increasing it made it harder to provide basic needs such as street cleaning, garbage collection, and schools. People were also working towards decreasing the poverty population. They established settlement houses so that government officials could study the local conditions of poor people so they could work on a plan to end it. These homes also provided a place for the people to have meetings
And discuss these living conditions, and also provided Health Care for the poor. These homes were established in Boston, Chicago, and New York. “If Populism was a rural response and unionization the working- class response to the Industrial Revolution, Progressivism is often seen as the middle-and upper class response.” (Schultz, 2012, p. 337)
With Liberty and Justice for All? Now I bet you’re wondering why I titled this section “With Liberty and Justice for All?” Simply because there was time when women weren’t allowed the right to vote, not because they weren’t legal, not because they didn’t want to, but simply because they couldn’t. Many women were upset about this so upset that they formed two groups that were against women’s suffrage. NAWSA (National American Woman Suffrage Association) which was founded in 1890 and the NWP (National Women’s Party) founded in 1913 and were led by Alice Paul. These women fought long and hard for this right. On day before President Woodrow Wilson’s Inauguration in 1913, Ms.Alice led a rally of 5,000 women demanding an amendment giving women the right to vote. She and the women she led were very tough. Her protests were so strong that in 1920 one of the most important amendments was passed, the Nineteenth to be exact, giving women the right to vote.
During the Progressive Era, our former Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson had a few laws passed that influenced the conduct of business. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 which was the government’s first attempt to break up monopolies. They worked together on establishing one other thing and that’s the Federal Trade Commission this is a government agency charged with investigating the unfair business practices. The last thing is the Muckrakers they were a group of investigative writers who revealed horrible conditions in American factories, political corruption in city machines, and the financial deceit of corporations.“When I Say I believe in a square deal I do not mean to give every man the best hand. If the cards do not come to any man, or if they do come, and he has not got the power to play them, that is his affair. All I mean is that there should be no crookedness in the dealing.”-Theodore Roosevelt (Schultz, 2012, p. 334)
Pain, Hurt, Sadness, Depression During the Great Depression there was a major fall in the stock market.