Real Number and Super Little Artist Essay

Submitted By bogeye
Words: 788
Pages: 4

Tuesday 9th September 2014
Food And Nutricain

Today year 1 had a lesson in food and nutrcian. Where they learned what food was healthy and would help them grow and help their brains develop and stay active. I worked with a small group of 5 children. Some of them knew that fruit was healthy but did not realise that chocolate or chips were not. They understood that a baby grows into an adult.??? They did not realise that everyday they were being active in some way, ie running,climbing,skipping. The activity the child was given was a sheet with three boxes with a line next to each box, where they wrote the word grow, active ?
And then drawed a picture reflecting the word. Ie active, a boy drawed a picture of himself playing football. Healthy, agirl drawed a picture of a apple.

This is a useful lesson to learn for their personal development to learn about healthy living. This was the first time I worked with a small group and I soon realised that it was not easy to get all the children to work at the same pace,especially as they were sitting at the back of the class and could not see the main to copy from. It was hard to keep them focased all at the same time. So I got a white board and wrote the words down on it for the children to copy as they could not see the main board clearly enough. After they had wrote the words I then got them to draw a picture that they thought reflected the word they had wrote next to the box. They all completed the task successulfuly in the end.
I was asked to select a secret worker. I was a little unsure who to choose as there was two children who did a pictualy good job. It was a choose between boy A who wrote beautifuly and a super little artist but a little chatty and boy B who worked quietly,completed the activity and listened to what he had to do without disturbing anyone. I asked the teacher if I choose the right secret worker as I was not not sure if they would choose the child whos work was very nice or the child who got on with the activity at hand,completed the task and worked the hardest.
She agreed with how I made my choice as the child A did distract a one or two of the other children.
I then did this activity again with the other year one class where this time I had all the equipment at hand ie the white boards and set out in order what they had to do. This was a good opportunity for me as it gave me a better understanding how to work with the children,keeping them focased and managering there behaviour which left me more convident the second time around.

Initial Assessment numersery indepentant work year 1.
Today I took 4 children out of class at a time where we worked in the base (a quiet area)
The children