Negotiated Between (Student): Daryl Thorpe and Clinical Educator: Joanne Ramsbotham
Practice-based Learning Centre: Royal Blackburn Hospital
Practice Area: ICU
Module: EALS
Date: 27/04/2015 – 29/05/2015
Action points or needs identified from previous experience
Communication – Was experienced on previous placement, however adaptations have to be made now when dealing with ICU Patients.
S.O.A.P Notes – Adapting Notes between trusts and specialities and further developing own knowledge.
Improve management of caseload in a ward setting and prioritising patients
Goal / Objective
Strategies and resources available
Evaluation criteria
Time scale
Outcome and action Points
S.O.A.P Notes
To be able to Successfully document clear and concise S.O.A.P notes, from ICU, HDU and wards in a logical, sequenced, timely manner adhering to local guidelines for files and fellow physiotherapists which can be understood and interpreted correctly in all aforementioned settings
Practice writing Notes
Verbal and written feedback from Educators, fellow physio therapists
Using ICU – Ax Sheets
Online resources: internet, blackboard
Verbal and written feedback
Placement criteria, grading and marking grid
Reflections and Blanked S.O.A.P notes pre and post placement
5 weeks until the end of placement
To be able and effectively communicate with Patients with multi-pathologies to explain, teach, and help patients with;
Multi organ failure
Post op patients
Tracheostomy patients.
Verbal and written feedback from Educators, fellow physio therapists, patients and patients parents
Online resources: internet, blackboard
Textbooks and class notes
Patient documentation
Verbal and written feedback
Placement criteria, grading and marking grid
Practice and interaction
5 weeks until the end of placement
Interpretation of Ox findings including ABG’s
Be familiar with and interpret ABG’s to identify the type of respiratory failure to plan effective Rx in accordance with the result.
For instance – Type 2 RF with full metabolic compensation
Verbal and written feedback from educators, fellow physiotherapists
Patient documentation
Online resources: internet, blackboard
Textbooks and class notes
Verbal and written feedback
Placement criteria, grading and marking grid
Practice and interaction
2 weeks of placement
Case Load
To independently, prioritise, and manage surgical ward caseload. Including discharge