Laminated object manufacturing Deposition of sheet material
No phase change
Solid base curing
Fused deposition modeling (FDM)
Binder droplet deposition onto powder layer
Solidification by cooling Thermoplastics
polycarbonate, elastomer) and wax Polymers, wax
polymer and metal powder with binder
Polymers, metals with binder, metals, ceramics and sand with binder Paper, polymers
TABLE 10.6 Characteristics of Rapid Prototyping Processes.
Production of a
FIGURE 10.40 The computational steps in producing a stereolithography file. (a) Threedimensional decription of the part. (b) The part is divided into slices.
(Only 1 in 10 is shown.) (c)
Support material is planned. (d)
A set of tool directions is determined for manufacturing each slice. Shown is the extruder path at section A–A from (c), for a fuseddeposition modeling operation.
Solid-Base Curing
Figure 19.8 Schematic illustration of the solid-base-curing process. Source: After M. Burns,
Automated Fabrication, Prentice Hall, 1993.
Kalpakjian • Schmid
Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
FIGURE 10.43 (a) A part with a protruding section that requires support material. (b)
Common support structures used in rapidprototyping machines. Source: Figure