GRQ 30
1. Germany sunk American ships that ignored the warning and transported arms to the allies.
2. A war to end war. Crusade for democracy.
3. Remove economic barriers. An adjustment of colonial claims. Abolish secret treaties.
4. Propaganda. Patriotism.
5. Anti German and Anti Anti War hysteria. No freedom of speech.
6. Decentralized. The government put its hands off.
7. Labor was rewarded in return of its support for the war.
8. Women took charge of work. Advocated suffrage.
9. Civilians had the choice to serve. The Government raised taxes and prohibited alcohol.
10. No. Could not purchase his exemption from the draft.
11. Prevent Russian supplies from reaching Germany. Secure France. Thwart Japan in Siberia.
12. Lifted up the morales. More organized control of the troops.
13. Industrial capacity. Outnumbered Germans.
14. Wilson used his popularity for democratic victory. Republicans controlled the Congress. He traveled to Europe.
15. Anti Anti Imperialism. Big Four.
16. The Republican opposition to the League of Nations led to giving the allies a better position. As a result, Wilson had to sell some colonies and territories to Japan, Italy, France in order to make
LN possible.
17. Conflicting interests made the league of nations difficult. Germans were left out. Caused WW2.
18. Embroiled into the allies. Either too hard or too soft.
19. Talk people into giving him support.
20. The Senate opposed it. American Security under the Constitution and the Monroe doctrine.
21. The death of the League of Nations.
22. The US failed to use its regulatory powers appropriately.
23. Wilson was a true believer, an idealist.
GRQ 31
1. Questioned immigrants. A nationwide crusade against communism. Traditional ideals of free speech were restricted.
2. The extent of anti-ness increased. The old was against black. The new was against every nonAnglo-Saxon customs.
3. By isolationist Americans. Emergency Quota Act. Immigration Act. Reduced quotas.
4. The majority of the people opposed prohibition.
5. The rise of illegal groups. Sparked by prohibition. Sold alcohol under radar and with bribery.