Year 10 Geography 2014
Descriptor Task 2 DUE DATE Thursday lesson in Week 3 Term 2
30 % Record of School Achievement grade and 30 % Semester 1 Report
Regional and Global Links Assignment
“The security and wealth of Australians increasingly depends on the strength of the links and partnerships that are made between our country and other nations”.
Outcomes to be assessed:
Selects and uses appropriate written, oral and/or graphic forms to communicate geographical information;
Explains Australia’s links with other countries and its role in the global community; and
Your task is as follows:
Part 1. Group presentation
Working in groups of 4 or 5 students you will be allocated ONE of the following links:
Each group will be allocated a maximum of 10 minutes present to the class. Each member of the group must present for 2-3 minutes.
Each student must prepare a summary of the other groups’ presentations on the scaffold distributed.
Areas to be covered in the presentation are set out on the next page.
Part 2. Written component
Immediately following the class presentations, all students will be required to complete a series of short answer questions on regional and global links. They may refer to notes taken during the presentations but otherwise it will be under exam conditions.
The questions will be drawn from at least 2 different regional and global links (AID, COMMUNICATION, CULTURE, DEFENCE, MIGRATION, TOURISM, OR SPORT), students will be required to answer based on their own and the content of other group presentations.
Areas to be covered in presentations:
Describe the link and identify relative importance of countries involved.
Explain the role and actions of different levels of government, NGOs, businesses and other groups in relation to the