The purpose of this experiment is to identify some commonly occurring anions & to study some of the reactions used for their identification.
You must first determine to which of the three groups the various anions belong. Since no two people observe the same event in exactly the same way it is important to also conduct specific confirmation tests on the known samples of each anion. This information will help identify the anion present in the unknown solution. After determining to which group the unknown solution belongs the specific confirmation test will enable you to conclusively identify which anion is present in the unknown solution.
SYNTHESIS AND CHEMISTRY OF K2S2O8 ABSTRACT In this experiment, a sample of K2S2O8 was prepared by the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of H2SO4 and K2SO4. The peroxodisulfate anion, S2O82-, was also observed for its ability to serve as a counterion for precipitation by preparing a copper (II) complex by reacting hydrated copper (II) sulfate with ammonium peroxodisulfate in the presence of pyridine. This same ability, coupled with its strong oxidizing ability allowed for stabilization of…
OBJECTIVE The main objective of this experiment is to carry out qualitative analysis to identify metal cations in unknown solution 1. INTRODUCTION An unknown material can be determined by using simple chemical tests and separations which is called as inorganic qualitative analysis. The separation of cations depends on the difference in their propensity to form precipitates. Separation scheme is used to classify cation into five groups on the basis of their physical and chemical behavior opposed…
Test on Cation in solution Aim The purpose of this experiment is to observe the characteristic precipitates formed when metal cations react with hydroxide solution and ammonium hydroxide solution. Introduction Cations are positively charged ions. They are present in inorganic salts along with the corresponding anions. One way of differentiate them through tests in which precipitates and complex ions are formed when sodium hydroxide or aqueous ammonia is added to their salt solutions. The cation…
two compounds that were in unknown sample #109 by the process of fractional distillation. A series of tests allowed for us to identify physical properties of each compound as well as the functional groups present in each compound. They were boiling point test, refractive index test, ceric nitrate reagent test, chromic acid in acetone test, simons test for aliphatic amines and modified simons test for aromatic amines. The first compound which boiled out of the flask at 90oC was 2-butanol, which had…