Pyc4805 Mind Map Assinment Essay

Words: 2960
Pages: 12

TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENTS | PAGES | 1 Question 1: Three-generational genogram | 2 | 2.Question 2: Ecomap | 4 | 3. Question 3: a) Story as seen from perspective of each family members | 6 | b) The story from the vantage point of the family position in the family life cycle | 7 | 4. Question 4: First-order cybernetic description | 9 | 5. Question 5: Second-order cybernetic description | 12 | 6. Reference | 15 |

Ecosystemic Assignment no: 3
UNIQUE NO: 536936
Three-generational genogram of the Bird family
Mavis’ stepmom
Mavis’ stepmom
John’s mom
John’s mom
Family A (John’s family) Family B(Mavis’s family)
Mavis’s father
Mavis’s father
Mavis’s mom
Mavis’s mom
John’s father

It is not known where he went except that he met Mavis and got married. He has expressed that part of the appeal of Mavis and April was the fact that they presented an instant family which hints at his seeking stability perhaps to replace his earlier loss.

April- It is unclear whether April knows her biological father, Howard or not as her parents divorced when she was an infant. April is fifteen years of age and currently in the adolescent phase of development. This phase marks the beginning of her independence and breaking away from her family’s rules and traditions. Typical with this developmental phase is moodiness, unstable affected, rebellion a new interest in the opposite sex, an awareness of her own sexuality, curiosity and experimentation.

Overall overview of the case study
It is likely that she resent her parents authority and attempts to control her and lashes out at any intrusion into her privacy. At present she has been caught lying by her mother and as a result has been brought for family counseling. It is most likely that she would feel that her parents are overreacting and therefore is resistant and hostile towards the counselor and the therapy process. It is unclear at this point whether April has any contact with either set of grandparents or whether she has a social circle and