Oksana Khmelnitskaya
Period 5, Psychology
January 17, 2014
Life Metaphor The metaphor I believe describes my life is based on a quote. "Everyone wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain." My life consists of ups and downs. Whenever something bad is happening to me, I know that something great is going to happen after. The good things don't last forever, but I make sure to enjoy it while it lasts. I believe that the bad things that happen are what helps me see the good in my life. My dad has had a drinking and smoking problem ever since a few years after my parents got married. He was never there for my mom and for us kids. I have an older sister (23), older brother(20), and a little brother (3). We all practically grew up without a dad. He always ended up in jail, and if he wasn't in jail, he would be getting drunk while my mom was taking care of 3 kids on her own. When we moved to the US, things were still pretty bad between my parents. They would always speak of divorce and get into fights over little things. At first, my dad was trucking and was helping my mom pay the bills, but then he went to jail and got his license suspended. My mom was left alone to pay the bills. After a year, he got his license back and helped out a little bit until recently, he went to jail again and got his license suspended once more. My dad's drinking problem effected me and my siblings in different ways. My sister for example, got
close to home. My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson disease and Alzheimer’s. These are diseases that affect the brain and body. These really did a number to his body and he was also constantly ill. I believe that by eating healthy and exercising my mind and body that I can avoid these awful Diseases or at the very least be able to hold them at bay as long as possible. This falls under the category of Health psychology because of the exercising and healthy eating. Health psychology specializes in exploring…
Psychology April 30, 2013 The American Beauty The movie, “The American Beauty,” portrays the lives of several upper middle class families who are all in pursuit of the things in life that make them happy, but they are depressed and very much struggling to achieve happiness in their lives. Each of the main characters has their own version of the American dream, meaning their fantasy of how they want their lives to be verses how their lives are in reality. However, as the main characters fantasize…
Psychology in Workplace 3 February 2014 Phase 5 Discussion Board One of the main things I have learned is the even though you think that a person supposedly is fine either physically or mentally. They still may have a problem that is from the childhood, family, or just main health issue. Those are the ones that the ones that in main way just keep quiet all that needs to come out. The ones that do that will be affected deeply. People that study into that of psychology like social workers are…
Divorce and Communication Divorce is a fact of life for all families today. Most of the children nowadays know relatively nothing about divorce. Today divorce is a fact of life on every community, and children regularly struggle to come to terms with its roles in their lives. Even if a child parents do not separate or divorce, the fear of divorce can be present whenever parents have serious fights. This fear needs to be addressed. Since communication is not always at its best during divorce, this…
Alcoholism: Genetic or Learned Behavior? First, before I could answer this question, I had to do a little research. Alcohol addiction is a physical dependence on alcohol which occurs gradually. Over time, drink too much alcohol changed the balance of chemicals in your brain associated with the pleasure aspects of drinking alcohol. Excessive, long-term drinking can affect the balance of these chemicals, causing your body to crave alcohol to restore good feelings or to avoid negative feelings…
Grant 1 Joshua Grant Michelle Draper English 105 February 2, 2015 Learning Techniques Fifty years ago the average family was structured with the wife staying at home to take care of raising the children, while the husband was the primary breadwinner. Although the methods of parenting have changed over the years, the qualities that make up good parenting remain the same. Without caring and self discipline parents lack the two most important qualities for raising a child. It's a pretty well accepted…
Danny Saunders: Danny Saunders is the additional protagonist of the story and is a Hasidic Jew; he is gifted with a photographic memory. Throughout the novel he struggles to free himself from his Hasidic traditions since he would rather study psychology and Freud. David Malter: Reuven’s father, David Malter is a writer for a newspaper, tending to write controversial material about the Jewish bible. Later in the novel he becomes actively involved in supporting Zionism, which leads to his diminishing…
DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY JOURNAL 1.Yesterday, I came to visit my friend. She had to baby sit her 9 month old niece. I was watching my friend playing with her niece. She showed the baby a small teddy bear and then hid it under the blanket, the baby started to use her hand to touch the blanket to search for the teddy bear. This reminded me of Piaget’s Sensorimotor stage, achievement of object permanence. 2. Last weekend, my family went out for a dinner, across from our table…
My Family My family is a sports-loving, barbecuing, two-stepping, camping, someone always injured crazy bunch of weirdoes. We consist of 8 people (6 originally): Daddy, Mom, Jon, Gerynn, Jay, Me, Morgynn, and Garner. Dad works at Cracker Barrel and has been there pretty much since I was born. He’s the strongest, bravest and most loving man I have ever known. Mom is the caregiver of the family and is always in everyone’s business, which is a good thing because if she wasn’t, nothing or no one would…
Dillinger and Mary Ellen "Molly" Lancaster. John’s family did not live in poverty; he was born into a middle class family. John’s mother was a stay at home mother, and his father owned a local grocery store. Molly had a stroke just before John turn four and passed away. Audrey, who was 15 at the time, took on the role of John’s primary caregiver until his dad remarried in 1912. His father and his stepmother would go on to have 3 children of their own. His dad was said to have a non constant disciplinarian…