Psychology Expressed Behavior Essay

Submitted By rubiconpdx
Words: 543
Pages: 3

Psychology Discussion 2

An expressed behavior or descriptive trait is something that is obvious or outwardly constant that one person may use to describe another. In other words if someone asked a friend what kind of personality I had, they would think of a trait that I had expressed more than once. In my case of friend would most likely say I am funny. They would not say that I am a daytime person. That is not particularly a personality trait. An example of my previously stated trait is when I was a bar manager, every day I wrote on the "A" sign to advertise the daily bar special. The messages would always be something crass and funny all at once. I wrote things like: "8 ounce mystery burger with fries. *NOTE: If you like last night band, get the chicken." Working downtown, with so many different types of people flocked out the edgier side of my personality. Frustration regarding people who gave their lives away to drinking drugs was a common emotion for me at that time. My approach to these situations was generally much like my daily messages on the "A" sign.
Humor has always tended to help me tolerate unfavorable situations, and it definitely is an expressed behavior of mine.

When I was young I was especially curious, and as most young people do, I set out to try everything. Unfortunately my tenacity and impulsiveness put me into positions that were often far beyond my age of understanding. I was foolish and brash more often than not. I would leave for Europe on a whim, staying for months at a time, totally broke and sleeping outside. I tried drugs that were unnecessary, even harmful to my creativity. Indeed I did many things that looking back on now I cannot even explain to myself. Oddly enough, it all stopped. Not miraculously all at once, but relatively fast in relation to these types of situations. I never