Psychology and Psychologists Define Attitudes Essay

Submitted By Shannon-Winkle
Words: 512
Pages: 3

If you ask my mom, I definitely get my attitude from my dad and I am sure a lot of parents say this and they could be right. An attitude is something that may be learned, and it is also something that could be due to circumstances. According to "About Education" (2015), "Psychologists define attitudes as a learned tendency to evaluate things in a certain way. This can include evaluations of people, issues, objects or events. Such evaluations are often positive or negative, but they can also be uncertain at times. For example, you might have mixed feelings about a particular person or issue.” So if my dad acts a certain way, I may pick up those tendencies. If my dad is a racist or a sexist, I may be one of those because those are the behaviors that I have learned. Same if my parents are against abortion and speak freely about it, after seeing these people who I love and care about be so passionate about something, I may end up feeling the same way because I think that is what is right, or I may be this way just trying to make my parents happy.
Society also has a big influence on attitudes. Peer pressure is a horrible thing to have to deal with. From school classmates, to friends, co-workers, and even relatives we all deal with peer pressure from some source. If you are a part of a group and they all hate something, your attitude is going to change about that subject because you are trying to fit in or be normal. Most people have to be a part of the “normal” society and cannot handle being different or going against the grain. Plus emotions play a big role in things. For example if you know someone lost a pet and you hate someone, you can go tell this person how that person mistreats animals and you can not stand him etc and that person will change their attitude toward the other person because you played on their emotions. People have certain biases against other people and things and that makes them want other