History of Psychology
Psychology: Study of the soul and behaviour
Was founded by Wilhelm Wundt in 1879 at Leipzig, Germany
His experiments consisted of doing reaction times, attention spans and perception of visual stimuli, touch and hearing
Goal: Define/explain the structure of conscious experience
Two schools of thought:
1) Structuralism 101: Belief that all “experience” could be reduced to basic elements (could identify the structures: eg chemistry)
a. Used introspection. Problem was that there was a lot of criticism—not objective (stimulus remains same but reported experience could change (within and across people)
2) Functionalism:
a. Focus not on structure of consciousness but with how mental processes work. How do we use mental processes to adapt/survive?
b. Influenced by Darwin and Galton (he believed how smart you are was in your genes)
c. It is based on the origin of species by natural selection and genetic inheritance on mental abilities
William James
Advocated for functionalism (although some work preceded it)
Functionalism won the battle
John B. Watson: Founder of Behaviourism
He would do experiments with his children (was very abusive with them)
Studied fear
Dealt with unconscious behaviour (thoughts ,memories and desires that are below the surface of conscious awareness but exert great influence)
Behaviour: Overt or observable responses or activities
Sigmund Freud (associated with behaviourism)