Essay Psych revision

Submitted By kucdmgDzckdfy
Words: 350
Pages: 2

Psychology Revision
Safe haven:
The child can rely on his caregiver for comfort at times whenever he feels threatened, frightened or in danger.
For example, if a child is given a toy that he doesn't like, he'd cry and his mother would remove the toy and hug the child so he would stop crying.
Secure Base
The caregiver gives a good and reliable foundation to the child as he goes on learning and sorting out things by himself.
For example, a child would ask questions to his mother about why his dad got sick and can't play with him at the moment.
Proximity Maintenance
This means that the child aims to explore the world but still tries to stay close to his care giver.
For example, a teenager discusses peer problems with his mother.
Separation Distress
This means that the child becomes unhappy and sorrowful when he becomes separated from his caregiver.
For example, an infant cries loudly when his mother leaves for work.
Stages of development

0 - 2
2 - 10
10 or 12 - 20 or 24
Early adulthood
20 - 40
Middle aged
40 - 65 older age
65+ - death

Kohlberg’s criticisms
Doesn't accurately describe moral development of females because the data collected was mainly from male participants.
Moral dilemmas to judge an individual’s level of moral development
Cultural differences in the development of moral reasoning which are not addressed by Kohlberg’s theory.
Maturation refers to the orderly and sequential developmental changes which occur in the nervous