Psych Assesment Essay

Submitted By jeffmpanko
Words: 1075
Pages: 5

Psych Assesment
Normal: means behavior or thought process is within acceptable limits
Postive Sign: a positive sign of mental illnessis a behavior or thought process that is an outward sign that the patient has mental illness. Ex. Reacting to a hallucinations
Negative Sign: a negative sign is a behavior or thought process that is absent from expected behavior or thought process ex. Patient stares without responding to a nurses questions.
Examples: Normal, Normal Volume, Muted, Poor Eye Contact, Loud Volume, Hesitancy, Poverty of Speech, Rapid/Pressured, Soft, Good Eye Contact, Facial expression changes with topic, Fair Eye Contact, Distractible Speech, Clanging, Talkative
Pressured Speech: patient speaks rapidly in frenzy because the patient feels there is a sense of urgency when there is no urgency
Distractible Speech: when patient changes subjects in the middle of sentences
Clanging Speech: Words are chosen based on sounds rather then concepts “hells bells smells” etc.
Hesitant Speech: patient falters when speaking.
Muted Speech: when patient is expressive without speaking
Poverty of Speech: brief empty replies with minimal elaborations
Attitude is a feeling about something. The nurse needs to assess
Examples: Cooperative, Uncooperative, Brighter, Hopeless, Hopeful, Helpless, Warm, Thankful. Friendly, Apathetic, Worried.
Cooperative: is when the patient follows directions of staff, rules of the unit, and requirements of the patients treatment plan.
Brighter: Brighter is when patient displays a clear, vibrant attitude. Compared with their previous attitudes.
Hopeless: patient has no expectation that their life can be better
Helpless: patient is unable to change without the help of someone else
Warm: when patient invites engagement with staff.
Apathetic: when patient is disinterested and unemotional about the patients treatment and surroundings.
Thankful: when patient is appreciative of the treatment teams efforts to help the patient to recover.
Mood is a temporary state of the mind that changes based on events. Affect is the observable expression of emotion
Examples: Controlled, Disorganized, Guarded, Preoccupied, Impuslive, Evasive, Refused Meals, Refused Activites of Daily Living, Hyperactive, Psychomotor Retardation, Hostile, Sexual, Aloof, Verbally Abusive, Facial Movements jaw,lip smacking, Distant, Flat, Ambivalence, Euphoria, Depression, Depersonalization, Irritable, Aggressive/combative, Labile, Uninhibited
Impulsive: when patient acts without forethought
Hyperactive: when patient is abnormally active compared to the situation
Aloof: when patient is not friendly or forthcoming and remains distant.
Flat: a patients affect is flat when their face shows lack of emotions
Irritable: when patient is easily annoyed.
Disorganized: when patient acts without proper planning and control
Evasive: patient avoids self-revelation
Psychomotor Retardation: when thought and physical movement are slowed.
Ambivalence: when patient has mixed contradictory feelings.
Euphoria: when a patient is in an intense state of happiness
Guarded: when patient is cautious
Suspicious: when they show distrust
Labile: when they easily change thoughts or behaviors.
Preoccupied: when they focus on one thing with the exclusion of other thoughts
Distant: when they are emotionally disconnected with an event
Restless: when they are unable to relax
Depersonalization: when a patient has divestedof human characteristics such as feeling emotions of another person
Uninhibited: expressed feelings without restraint.
Thinking Process
Way a patient perceived and interprets everything around them based on logic and personal experience or experience from others.
Examples: Loose Assocaitions, Concrete Thinking, Circumstantial, Tangential, Clang Associations, Flight of Ideas, Preservation, Echolalia, Logical, Blocking, Word Salad, Incoherence, Illogicality, Thought Broadcasting, Derailment
Loose Associations: when a