“Perception is everything” is a phrase that I’m sure you have heard once or twice before. Everyone’s perception of a situation can be different and read differently. When one person looks at an orange some people see the fruit and some are more focused on the color. Everyone is on a different thinking track unless they are told to focus on one part of a subject. If you put out an orange for instance and ask someone what type of fruit it is they are going to answer you and be focused on the type of fruit. When asked what the color is the answer would be orange, not the fruit but the color. When some in on a psychoactive drug or no sleep this perception will change drastically. When you are under the influence of a drug you are not able to make logical decisions or perceive something as it is. When asked you might not get an accurate answer or an answer that is relevant to the question asked. This is because the brain chemistry changes. Putting a psychoactive drug into your brain is like putting baking soda into vinegar it changes the state of the chemical and makes a reaction. Every drug you take will give you a different reaction, and your brain will react differently. I was doing some research on my own and found a very interesting article about a painter who had taken psychoactive drugs and then asked to paint a self mural of himself. Every picture was different and this is because his perception of himself had changed. This is because the reaction to each drug is different on your brain. The same thing can happen when you have a lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation can react the same on your brain. You cannot focus on one particular subject, you can forget simple directions because your brain is not storing this order into memory. Some sleep deprivation
Stephen Pollina PSY – 101 Paper 1 The Brain’s Structures and Regions The brain is responsible for everything you do in your life, from deciding when you are hungry, to moving your limbs, to learning and remembering the various facts and events you encounter every day. The brain is an extremely powerful machine that has very specialized areas. With all of its sections and subsections, the brain is the most advanced organ in the known universe. The cerebral cortex is responsible for controlling…
Running head: Looking Towards the Future Looking Towards the Future Nikita Lopez Ashford University: PSY 202 Looking Towards the Future The purpose of this assignment is to identify and describe one personal goal, one professional goal, and one academic goal for my major field of study, Human Resource Management, in the online environment. For each of my goals I will apply the SMART goal process and explain each component. I will also create an accountability plan for meeting each of…
Annotated Bibliography And Outline Allana Robinson PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology John Long August 22, 2015 Does Violence in the media contribute to violent behavior in children? Thesis: There is an overwhelming evidence that the media affects viewers by encouraging violent behavior through desensitization, cultivating. Fearful, and pessimistic attitudes, and diminishes their creative capacity. Annotated Bibliography Beckett, Katherine, and Theodore Sasson. "Crime in the Media…
204 Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 – 9:45am Credits: 4 CEUs Course Syllabus Instructor: Amy Krueger Email: Akrueger@agnesscott.edu Office: Campbell 227 Office hours: 8:00am – 8:30am Tues. & Thurs. – make appointment Prerequisites: PH 101 and MAT 115 or PSY 206 Course skills: basic knowledge of biology/microbiology and basic understanding of statistics. Course Description and format: The course covers the scope of epidemiology; designing, planning and analysis in epidemiologic research, design…
1 Prejudice Reduction Kevin Medema PSY 325 Professor Ledman December 6, 2010 2 The word prejudice is defined as a “preconceived judgment or opinion formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge” (Merriam-Webster, 2010). Prejudice has become a complex problem in the nation today, and much of the worlds’ history is based upon such hatred. Prejudice can be found between many different factors, such as a person’s religion, gender, or…
Principles of Social Psychology PSY 301 October 14, 2012 Principles of Social Psychology Social psychology is the understanding of an individual’s behavior in a social context. It is the scientific field that focuses on the nature and causes of that individual’s behavior in social situations. It looks at the human behavior that has been influenced by others and in the social context with which it occurred. Social psychology…