Providing Healthcare to Underdeveloped Countries Essay

Submitted By cathydama50
Words: 419
Pages: 2

Healthcare to Underdeveloped Countries

Underdeveloped Countries does have challenges due to lack of education and lack of proper nutrition due to poverty. Child mortality also is another challenge facing underdeveloped countries.
Income has a lot to do on how people survive. Underdeveloped are paid much less income, that affects food,housing, medical,access,education. Parents educated will likely educate, feed, house, care for their children. Also will have access to healthcare facilities and information. I travel a lot to underdeveloped countries, it is amazing what we see there when we travel, the nurses here really are privileged.
Over there the nurses have to work with limited equipments and so much limited doctors. Sometimes a patient can wait for hours over twelve hours without seeing a doctor, and mostly simple oxygen is hard to find, a patient or their family has to go out and buy their own intravenous drip or medications, medications are not supplied in the hospital, that means if someone does not have money to buy the medication, then the person will be left for death, it is so sad over there. Most Missionary workers do come from all over the world to donate medications but most of the time it is not enough.

Strategies Nurses can advocate on a global level by active involvement in governmental policies that affect healthcare delivery(Milstead,2013). Also nurses are able to join the missionary work to travel around in supplying medication, educating. As a nurse I sometimes join the missionary to travel to Africa, we supply medications to the villages and give vaccines, take vital signs, screen for diabetes and other illnesses, we educate the patients on their health and their