I think the most effective prostate cancer treatment is Robot-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy. Initially developed by the United States Department of Defense for use in military battlefield applications, robotic technology was adapted for civilian use through the entrepreneurial efforts of 2 rival corporations, Intuitive Surgical, Inc, and Computer Motion, Inc. These companies simultaneously developed robotic interfaces for use in human surgical applications. Computer Motion, Inc, introduced the Zeus Surgical System at approximately the same time that Intuitive Surgical, Inc, developed its da Vinci Surgical System.
Both technologies relied heavily on a laparoscopic patient-robot interface in which instruments were placed through small trocars implanted in the patient’s skin. The working field was maintained predominantly by insufflation of the peritoneal cavity with carbon dioxide. Subsequently, Intuitive Surgical, Inc, acquired Computer Motion, Inc, consolidating the robotic surgical technology and making Intuitive Surgical, Inc, the sole provider of advanced robotic technology for use in human surgical procedures.
Several other companies also develop and manufacture robotic surgical technology, including single robotic arms for laparoscopic cameras or as part of integrated minimally invasive operating-room systems, but none of these rival technologies can compete with the advanced robotic engineering by Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Menon et al from the Vattikuti Urology Institute at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, are responsible for the development and popularization of robotic radical prostatectomy. This technique has been gaining widespread acceptance in the United States and Europe and is increasing in penetration worldwide. Robotic radical prostatectomy offers the advantages of the minimally invasive laparoscopic approach but shortens the learning curve, facilitating and
Prostate cancer is a cancer that forms in the tissues of the prostate gland of, usually older, men. This cancer effects hundreds of thousands of men each year. Prostate growth can be either benign or malignant. Benign growths, also called BPH, are not cancerous and are rarely a threat to life. Malignant tumors, however, can be deadly. There are four stages of prostate cancer. The first stage is rarely found unless surgery is performed for some other reason, such as on BPH. At this stage, the cancer…
Abstract Prostate cancer is one of the major health concerns of the public. Worldwide prostate cancer has affected a big portion of the population and has become an issue for many males all around the world. Prostate cancer refers to the malignant growth of glandular cells located in the prostate. At the age of 85, a man is said to have a 1 in 5 chances of developing prostate cancer sometime in their life. Unfortunately Prostate cancer is a disease that does not give any warning signs when it is…
Prostate Cancer is one of the most common cancers formed in men. It mainly occurs in men around the age of 65 and is rarely diagnosed is men under the age of 40. One in seven males have this disease. This cancer is more common in men of African descent than in Asian descent. What is the Prostate? The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system located in front of the rectum, just below the bladder, and surrounds the urethra. It is a key part of the male reproductive system. The Prostate…
LOM Assignment Effective Treatment of Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. There are many options of treatment out there. Some have extreme side effects. Where others don’t have long term side effect but are more discomfiting. Other treatments are done over time. The most import factor when make the dision in cancer treatment is the effectiveness Radiation Radiation appears to be the best method in treating prostate cancer. There are two main types of radiation…
Running head: PROSTATE CANCER IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN Prostate Cancer in African American Men Lorie A. Hodo-Locke N440 04/21/2014 Deanna Radford, MSN, RN, CNE 1 PROSTATE CANCER IN AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN Prostate Cancer in African American Men In this presentation I will discuss Prostate Cancer in African American men and the the higher incidence of occurrence more aggressively in this vulnerable group than Non- Hispanic whites in America. I will discuss how biological, socioeconomic and screening…
1136/bmj.b4817 (Published 27 November 2009) Cite this as: BMJ 2009; 339:b4817 Research Quality of life three years after diagnosis of localised prostate cancer: population based cohort study 1. David P Smith, research coordinator1, 2. Madeleine T King, director of quality of life office2, 3. Sam Egger, statistician1, 4. Martin P Berry, director of cancer services3, 5. Phillip D Stricker, urologist4, 6. Paul Cozzi, urologist5, 7. Jeanette Ward, adjunct professor6, 8. Dianne L O’Connell, senior…
Prostate Cancer How Prostate Cancer can be diagnosed: Prostate cancer can be diagnosed during an observation with a Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test and or a digital rectal exam (DRE). The actual diagnosis can only be made with a prostate biopsy. Early prostate cancer usually does not cause/ have any symptoms. Later prostate cancers have many symptoms. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jD7bAHVp0A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_5MnsdQeQs Some of these symptoms can be: 1. Change…
The Risk Factors, Causes and Preventative Interventions of Prostate Cancer Prostate Cancer is a slow progressing cancer occurring in males, which usually starts in the gland cells of the prostate (PCFA 2013). There is no direct cause for prostate cancer, although a number of risk factors have been identified (Kirby and Madhavan 2010). Genetic mutations are a cause for tumours, although it is based on the risk factors that allow for these genetic mutations to occur. (Gann 2002). The causes based…
Causes and Treatments of Cancer Shshana Rust BIO 1020 South University Online Prostate and Endometrial Cancer Prostate cancer is a cancer that forms in the tissues of the prostate, the gland of the male reproductive system, which is found below the bladder and in front of the rectum. This cancer usually occurs in older men. In the United States there are estimated 241,740 new cases and 28,170 deaths in 2012. The cause of prostate cancer is unknown. Prostate cancer is thought to be related…
Choose Your Cancer Wisely Often when someone thinks of alcohol, the first thing that comes to there their mind isn’t that it could be benificial to their health. More often than not, it is thought of as the complete opositeopposite. A recent study appeared in The Post of Athens; it states that conusuming Anheuser-Busch Natural Light over a long term period reduces the likelyhood likelihood of prostate cancer in men. Even if the study is true, there are things…