Properties of matter lab Essay

Submitted By haoranwang
Words: 326
Pages: 2

Properties of Matter lab
By: Andy Wang

To use the physical and chemical properties of known substances to identify the components of an unknown substance. Materials:
Spot plate Magnifying glass Water (H2O) Hydrochloric acid ­ HCL Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) Potassium chloride (KCL) Sodium thiosulfate (NaS2O3) Sodium Nitrate (NaNO3) Chalk (CaC03) Procedure:
I decided to find the properties of the known substances by making a chart.
I put the substances on the left side and the properties on the right. Then, I dividing the chart into Physical and Chemical properties. My physical properties was divided into 4 components; State of matter, Colour, Clarity and Crystal form. The chemical properties was divided into water and HCL. Afterwards, I tested the substances one by one on the
Spot plate and recorded my observations. I would put the a little bit of the substance in the plate and examine it and recorded the physical properties. Then, I would put a little bit of the substance on another place in the plate and add water to see if it is soluble or not. I would then do the same with HCL. After I tested all the substances, I went to get the Unknown and tested its properties.



State of matter Crystal form Clarity


Reaction with HCL

Sodium thiosulfate White

