Prominent Anarchists Essay

Submitted By priscyllagracia
Words: 675
Pages: 3

Sometime we may ask to ourselves what would it be of our lives, if there was no president, if there was no policemen, no laws, no government what so ever. Anarchism, as soon as we hear that word we automatically think chaos. Anarchy does not mean chaos or confusion. The word comes from the Greek an archos which means “no rule “or “no government”. Anarchy is a refusal of the authority of the state of any system of government, emanating from the postulated assertion that all government are necessarily bad and men are naturally good.
The basic principle of anarchism is that hierarchical authority be it state, church, patriarchy or economic elite is not only unnecessary, but is naturally detrimental to the maximization of human potential. Anarchists generally believe that human beings are capable of managing their own affairs on the basis of creativity, cooperation, and mutual respect. It is believed that power is inherently corrupting, and that authorities are inevitably more concerned with self-perpetuation and increasing their own power than they are with doing what is best for their constituents. Anarchists generally maintain that ethics are a personal matter, and should be based upon concern for others and the wellbeing of society, rather than upon laws imposed by a legal or religious authority (including revered laws such as the U.S. Constitution). Most anarchist philosophies hold that individuals are responsible for their own behavior. “Anarchists believe in abolishing the state and replacing its coercive force with voluntary cooperation among freely consenting and cooperating individuals.”
To ensure domestic tranquility / Manage Social Conflict- Maintain Order simply preserving order - every community seeks consciously or unconsciously to make social peace. Is man essential good and society corrupts him, or is it society that restrains man from being evil.1
Given to a principle or theory of life and conduct under which society is conceived without government - harmony in such a society being obtained, not by submission to law or by obedience to any authority, but by free agreements concluded between the various groups, territorial and professional, freely construed for the sake of production and consumption, as also for the satisfaction of the infinite variety of needs and aspirations of a civilized being.2 Anarchists believe that all humans’ beings are capable of governing themselves; of organizing their own activities without the need of authority over them without the need of laws or government. Anarchists do not believe that because there is no authority, this meaning there would be no order in society, they believe that people can cooperatively produce a better system than any authority can.
Anarchists have played a part in revolutionary movements throughout history. The French Revolution begun in 1789 had a