Products: Drug Addiction and Eagleville Hospital Essay
Submitted By ginatalarico
Words: 371
Pages: 2
I would like to do my selection and resource list on Eagleville hospital which is my employer. Eagleville hospital has a great story .Founded in 1909, and sitting on the outskirts of lower Montgomery County, the Hospital has a rich history of providing treatment services in a welcoming, serene campus environment. As one of the first hospitals in the country specializing in the treatment of alcoholism, and later, drug addiction, Eagleville Hospital now treats more than 4,300 persons each year who seek a safe haven for sobriety and recovery. Through a renewed relationship with Montgomery County Office of Behavioral Health and with the support of the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services we continue our efforts in developing as a Co-Occurring Center of Excellence. Our plans call for further expansion of co-occurring treatment services on our campus. Our staff is involved in efforts by the Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Coalition, and both the Delaware County and Montgomery County Integrated Dual Diagnosis Work Groups to improve the quality of care for individuals with co occurring disorders in the southeastern region of Pennsylvania.
We continue to invest in our physical plant, staffing resources, and the quality of our programming to ensure our ability to serve the individuals requiring our care. Alfred Salvitti, our new Chief Financial Officer, leads the effort to assure that we achieve financial efficiency and stability. We were one of the first behavioral health treatment providers in Pennsylvania to