Weeks 4-‐6: Processing and Reactivision This note contains a series of exercisef for the Lab sessions in Weeks 4-‐6 L. Also included are notes on downloading and installing the Reactivision and Processing software.
Week 4 lab Aim: to gain some familiarity with the technologies we’ll be using (Reactivision and Processing) and to set up a simple tangible user interface.
Find the Processing program on your computer and run it. The the resulting window looks like the picture below. Note the three main areas: a toolbar containing buttons to start and stop program, load files, and so on; the text editor Start / stop buttons
Program text area
Status messages
area where programs are written, and the console area where status messages are displayed.
Go to the Processing web site: http://processing.org/ Find the Tutorials section under the Learning tab, and work through the Overview tutorial.
Reactivision works by recognizing marker symbols known as ‘fiducial symbols’, and a collection of these can be found in the Reactivision folder in
symbols/default.pdf. You can print out some of these and cut them out, stick them to objects, etc.
Activity Preliminary bits of the exercise
Get Reactivision running and see what it looks like when it detects symbols. Make sure you have run a simple processing program and understand the main elements (setup method, draw method, etc).
Run the TuioDemo sketch to see how Reactivision can send data to a processing sketch.
The next exercise is based around a simple application called MathsBlocks. The exercise is first requires you to set up and run the example program, and then to modify it to make it do something different. 34567"89:(;(+))2('=(?6@:=A@(?BCB(D"#$%"&'(@6A>4'@(!47(!7==($@=("E(%4EF$E%:"4E(G":9(:9=(7=&%HIJ"@"4E(@4!:G&7=(4E'6B(K''(4:9=7(7"89:@(7=@=7L=#B
Get it running and set up the physical elements To run this example we need some fiducial symbols from the start of the set (so numbers 0-‐5, and more to extend the activity. Cut these out. Stick them onto things). And we need a physical set-‐up where the camera can look down at the table (or at another flat surface where the symbols can be placed or stuck).