Patient Safety/Quality Care/Improvement Case Study
The Patient Safety defines health errors as “the disappointment of a designed action to be finished as planned or the use of an incorrect plan to attain an aim(Longo, D., Hewitt, J. E., Ge, B., & Schubert, S., 2007).” Health errors do not all effect in damage or grievance. Checkup errors that reason damage or hurt are occasionally called avoidable unpleasant actions that are the damage is a reflection to be due to a therapeutic intervention, not principal patient circumstances. Errors consequential in severe injury or death are considered “sentinel events” by the Joint Commission (Longo, D., Hewitt, J. E., Ge, B., & Schubert, S., 2007). The case study, Appearance May Not is Reality, was the focus of this assignment because of privacy practices. The purpose of this assignment was to identify key ethical and legal issues, determine which elements of the Code of Ethics of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) would help administrators determine the right course of action, identify potential ethics committee actions, and administrator’s role in preventing and addressing the issues in the aforementioned case study. Protected Health Information is the information that you provide us or we create receive about your health care. PHI contains a patient’s age, race, sex, and other personal health information that may identify the patient (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 2013). The information relates to the patient’s physical or mental health in the past, present or future and to the care, treatment, services and payment for needed by a patient because of his or her health (Nationwide Children’s Hospital, 2013). The types of error or injury are additional confidential concerning field, or somewhere they occurred transversely the variety of healthcare providers and settings. Companies for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) research have exposed that errors can happen at several position in the wellbeing care relief system (McFadden, K. L., Stock, G. N., & Gowen, C. R., III., 2006). Medical errors mainly recurrently consequence from systems errors association of health care deliverance and how possessions are provided in the release order. Many Americans strive to obtain the best health care they can get, unfortunately it is not always easy to receive the best health care without procuring the proper funds to do so (McFadden, K. L., Stock, G. N., & Gowen, C. R., III., 2006). In other states, people walk into an infirmary and obtain the greatest health care an individual can get with race not being an issue. Health care providers may also be permitted to disclose a patient's HIV infection to persons at risk of infection without legal penalty. In some states, such as Ohio, a health care provider may not warn sexual or drug-using partners of infected patients without first informing the patient of the intended disclosure (United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2003). This exception to confidentiality is justified on the grounds that breaching confidentiality will help prevent serious harm to an identifiable person, there is no other effective means to achieving the goal, and the breach of confidentiality is minimized (Pozgar, G. D., 2013). Due to medical circumstances individuals may soon be able to get healthier health care without it being determined by their capability to pay for such services. Ethics seeks to understand and to determine how human actions can be judged as right or wrong (Pozgar, G. D., 2013). Some have suggested that the federal policy should be revised in light of the data demonstrating that the risks of transmission in the health care setting are exceedingly low. Persistence is the biggest key to be successful in treatment based on the physician's ability to tolerate technical problems (McFadden, K. L., Stock, G. N., & Gowen, C. R., III., 2006). Medical provider seeking help when needed and work