Physical abuse is when someone causes injury by use of force or violence this can include:
• Hitting, kicking, biting, scratching, burning, or any act that could cause injury to others.
Signs of physical abuse may include:
• Unexplained injuries or injuries that do not match with the reason why the injury has occurred.
• Flinching when approached.
Sexual abuse is when someone uses their power to force a service user into a sexual act. This can include:
• Rape, unwanted or inappropriate touching, taking inappropriate videos or pictures.
Signs of sexual abuse may include:
• Pain or injury to genital area.
• Overly sexualized behaviour.
• Not wanting to be touched or flinching when approached.
Emotional or psychological abuse is when someone purposely causes mental anguish or belittles another person. This can include:
• Calling names, making a person feel stupid or intimidated, swearing, shouting, threatening or controlling.
Signs of physical abuse may include:
• Depression, withdrawal, low self-esteem or self-neglect.
Finical abuse is when any kind of financial property is taken from a service user. This can include:
• Stealing money or any goods, changing of wills or legal documents to gain profit or misuse of benefits or money.
Signs of financial may include:
• Unexplained lack of money or missing possessions.
• Being overly protective of their property.
Institutional abuse is when a care home routinely neglects or doesn’t meet a client’s needs or rights. This can include
• Inadequately trained or poorly supervised staff, lack of person centred care or a care routine.
Signs of institutional abuse may include:
• Lack of privacy, dignity or choice.
• Unsafe or unhygienic environment.
Self-neglect is when a service user fails to take care of themselves that can lead to physical or emotional harm. This can include:
• Self-harm, incorrectly taking medicine, not undertaking any personal care, not eating or drinking or not meeting nutritional needs.
Signs of self-neglect may include:
• Unexplained cuts or marks or unexplained weight loss.
• Medication not taken or too much been taken
• Unclean or unkempt appearance.