Prince Hal In Henry IV, Part 1 By William Shakespeare

Submitted By Treyhobbs
Words: 841
Pages: 4

Imagine living in a world that had no rules, no limits, and no worry. This was the life of a young man who was soon to heir the throne of England. In Henry IV, part 1 by William Shakespeare, Prince Hal, the immature two-faced cowerd is waiting for his father King Henry IV's time as king to end, in order to take the throne. Prince Hal goes on throughout his life being a rascal and abusing the power that comes by position. Hal uses his persuasive gestures to show people how good of a person he seems to be but in reality, he is a sneaky little scoundrel that is just tricking people. Not only does Hal fool people, but he also is a heavy drinker and a thief who is robbing travelers whenever he can which only brings dishonor to his family. The pompous and ignorant Prince Hal is certainly a man who will never change. Prince Hal convinces people that he has changed by using manipulating words and actions to lure them into his trap. In fact, in act 5 scene 4 Hal says this to Falstaff, "For my part, if a lie may do thee grace, I'll gild it with the happiest terms I have" (5.4.161-162). Hal is stating that it is perfectly normal to lie as long as it does good in the end. The prince is once again showing his immaturity and lack of of responsibility towards his fellow people. As a matter of fact, Hal is also proved a liar when Falstaff shouts at Prince Hal and says "Whew! A plague upon you all! Give me my horse, you rogues; give me my horse, and be hanged!" (2.2.59). Jack is confronting Hal about his horse being stolen, and Hal simply acts like he has no idea what is going on. This was all part of a snarky idea to mess with Jack Falstaff by stealing his horse and hiding it in the woods. In addition, in the beginning of act 3 scene 3, Hal conveys to Hotspur "I am good friends with my Father and may do anything." (3.3.192-193). Prince Hal is declaring his "right" to do whatever he wants just because of his father's role in society. Prince Hal is a two faced, shallow, and mischievous man who will never change. The devious Prince Hal exemplifies a great dishonor by utilizing his incorrigible ways against his friends. In fact, while at a local tavern in England, Hal proves his arrogance when he says this to Poins, "Sirrah, I am sworn brother to a leash of drawers; and can call them all by their christen names, as Tom, Dick, and Francis. They take it already upon their salvation, that though I be but the prince of Wales, yet I am king of courtesy; and tell me flatly I am no proud Jack, like Falstaff, but Corinthian, a lad of mettle, a good boy, by the Lord, so they call me, and when I am king of England, I shall command all the good lads in Eastcheap." (2.4.498-500). Hal is aexplaining how he is going to be the absolute greatest king that England has ever had. Once again the sadistic Prince Hal shows his true feelings towards his friends and acquaintances when he asks Falstaff