Seo Yeon Lee
Professor Iryce Baron
English 281
Opaque Glass
Pride and Prejudice has become famous in the genre of fictional romance since its first published. The novel is similar to a fairy tale, female character, Elizabeth Bennet, unavoidably marries her knight in shining armor, Mr. Darcy. However, this romanticism is significantly altered by an underlying theme concerning gender politics and importance of marriage. Not only in the novel, but in films there are plenty of scenes where reader can explore the interspatial relationship between interior and exterior spaces.
The class illustrated in the novel is related to reputation, in that both reflect the strict nature of life for the middle and upper classes in Regency England. The lines are strictly drawn. Austen criticizes this kind of class-consciousness, particularly in the character of Mr. Collins, who spends most of his time thinking that he is better than others, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Though Mr. Collins shows an extreme example, he is not the only one to hold such attitudes. His idea of the importance of class is shared with others; Miss Bingley, who dislikes anyone who is not as socially accepted as she is; and Wickham, who will do anything he can to get enough money to raise himself into a higher status. However, Mr. Collin’s view is the most extreme and obvious. While the Bennets, who are middle class, may socialize with the upper-class Bingleys and Darcys, they are clearly their social inferiors and are treated as such. However, not only the social differences but the gender differences make clear boundaries between characters as Austen use imagery of window and nature.
The daughters of Mr. Bennet, Elizabeth and her four sisters are trapped living in a patriarchal society where a woman’s value is judged by the amount of money and property owned by either their father or husband. As they have no rights to their father’s inheritance when he dies, they are expected to marry men whom have their own wealth and property (29). This expectation in marriage and the view that men are naturally superior to women shows the ordinary norms that have established social boundaries between male and female spaces. The window appeared in both novel and film symbolizes this gender divide to signify the oppression of women in marriage.
In the beginning of the BBC mini-series of Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Bennet goes to visit Mr. Bingley, a wealthy bachelor who has recently purchased the large estate of Netherfield. In return for Mr. Bennet;s trip, Mr. Bingley makes a visit to the Bennet household at Longbourn. The Bennet women “had the advantage of ascertaining from an upper window, that he wore a blue coat and rode a black horse” (Austen 11) when Mr. Bingley arrives. The location of these ladies on the second floor seems like in a bedroom or drawing room. It is representative of the traditional gender norms of the time period. In the view of patriarchal society, a woman’s proper place was inside the household, separate from the outdoor male present and the male business world. While the women are upstairs in their own space, Mr. Bingley and Mr. Bennet are in the library. At the time, the library is male’s private place, being a place of business where one acquires knowledge and becomes related with the outside world. While Mr. Bingley’s speaking, the female and male sphere is kept entirely separated. Even though “he had entertained hopes of being admitted to a sight of the young ladies,…he saw only the father”(11) Mr. Bennet is in control of every situation and he does not allow the male-female boundaries to be crossed, ensuring the protection of his daughters from the male sexual eye. However the view that the ladies get of Mr. Bingley “from an upper window” is not much better (11). Since the window they peer through is unclear, they are given a twisted perspective of the males’ exterior world. All that they could make out of Mr. Bingley from this view is
FIRST IMPRESSIONS Pride and Prejudice. By Jane Austen. Bantam books. 292 pages. Pride and Prejudice is a fantastic novel written by Jane Austen. This novel is one of the most romantic stories ever written and is still one of the most famous literary works of all time. Pride and Prejudice is set in the small village of Longbourn, England in the 1800s. The main character of the story and second oldest daughter of the Bennet family is Elizabeth Bennet. Throughout the story Austen portrays many…
Pride and Prejudice In Jane Austen’s, Pride and Prejudice, the main reasoning of the title is about Pride and Prejudice. Both Darcy and Elizabeth meet each other and at first impression form a false (prejudice) view of the other from quick judgment and both are too prideful to revise their view of the other. The setting of this book in England in the late 1700’s to early 1800’s. The Bennet girls are from Longbourn and the men (Darcy and Bingley) are residing in Netherfield, although Darcy is originally…
ceHelen Gifted English 1 November 4, 2011 Locked in the Library The ideal father figure is many things. Often, he is intelligent, caring, thoughtful, and possesses a keen sense of humor. Though Mr. Bennet of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice appears to be just this, Austen actually created a character that would prove to be far more important than many static members of the story’s cast. Not only does Mr. Bennet and his quick wit serve as a source of comedic relief in the novel, but his character…
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 1. The author’s background Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775, in Steventon, Hampshire, England. She was born seventh out of eight children into a family of a modest income. Her father, George Austen, was a reverend and her mother, Cassandra Leigh taught her children at the family home. When Jane was eight years old, she and her eldest sister, Cassandra, were sent to a boarding school for a proper education. Austen was always intrigued with English and…
Dale Ballance Kearnon Kanne ENGL 1001, Assignment 4 February 20, 2015 Upon reading Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin, I believe the novel reinforces sexist stereotypes of women. One of the things that really struck me was the desire the women had to find themselves a husband. A husband who was wealthy was at the utmost importance for most of the women. A woman could talk bad of another woman in hopes of deterring a man of his interest in a particular woman as to give them a better opportunity…
Darcy, Pride and Prejudice pg. 49 The human race is flawed, it has a fault: evil. Evil is sin, immorality or wickedness and it is a part of human nature. Even the nicest person has some dark desires lurking underneath their smile, because everyone has “a natural defect,” whether it is a “propensity to hate everybody” or to “willfully misunderstand them.” Some are blinded by their flaws and do not realize how much sin they carry. Jane Austen brings this to light through her novel, Pride and Prejudice…
The novel Pride And Prejudice written by Jane Austen was written and takes place in regency England during 1810-1820; a time where the courtship between man and woman were built upon the wealth and prestige of one of the two parties, more than often the man. This is enforced through the first sentence of the novel, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” Austen depicts the top two percentage of British society, the “highest…
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife” this line in the book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen has become one of the most famous lines in English Literature. The Regency period was vastly different to modern society, they had different views on everything from Marriage to the expectations of women and men. This line also alerts us to the importance of maintaining a respectable fortune in the period through inheritance…
The novel seems to be showing that first impressions are a very important thing during this time period. The novel Pride and Prejudice was set during the 19th century. This was a time that when you are meeting someone for the very first time, you have to do your best to try and impress them, to try and show them that you are a very well and respected family. This is evident a couple times in the book. One of these times is in…
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE ESSAY Marriage back in the 1700’s generally resulted from the desperation of women who needed financial stability due to the unstable financial status of their families. Of course, majority of all women didn’t belong to the upper class, so marrying a man with a good financial status will give them a stable life, although the true essence of love may not be present on both parties. This didn’t matter that much because women were so preoccupied by the idea that if they don’t get…