Prelim art theory Essay

Submitted By okayokay111
Words: 1682
Pages: 7

Venus of Wilendorf (Prehistoric Art)

24000-22000 B.C.E
Oolitic limestone
11.1 cm high

Subject Frame
Opens the mind to values of the female form as well as educates the audience on the female significances in that time period.
The enlarged body form and genitals represents the meaning about how that female body was viewed as beauty throughout that period.
The spiritual representation behind this work was not only shown through the size but also materials used as it shows the function and easy custom

Structural Frame
The enlarged breast and voluptuous form clearly show a form of a women and what was seen as beauty as well as a function for a women
The choice of limestone and structure of the sculpture show that it was not just an art form but also for active use to travel and past on throughout its time

Cultural Frame
The representation of fertility and function of a woman’s body is symbolized through the emphasized female body parts that are part of the reproductive system
This voluptuous form was seen as beautiful and aspiring for both women and men inters of a figure for a woman, whereas now a desire a body almost half the size and their bodies are not seen for the fertility nature that women have

King Menkaure and his Queen (Ancient Egyptian Art)

c. 2470 B.C
1.38m high

Subjective Frame
This work conveys a clear emotion power. Power of the two as a pair, power of them as individuals but also power of the man himself as he is stepping out in front of the two
The materials also show a sense of power as it is all carved with stylized detail to the figures face and body

Structural Frame
The sculpture follows the bonds of Egyptian sculpture with the leg forward, arms stiffly by their sides, bodies motionless with their faces showing no emotion
As the sculptures are done from memory they are seen as more of a symbol monument and this also showed peoples place in the socioeconomic status and belief systems
These materials where used to for the important works as they were meant to last for eternity

Cultural Frame
These structures where made for those of pharaohs to represent the deceased and who served for the religious concept of eternity as well as ensuring safe journey to afterlife
The pharaohs had the best materials used for their monuments as they desired the best transition to their after life as well as a clear representation of their religious and socioeconomic status

Aphrodite of Melos ALEXANDROS OF ANTIOCH (Ancient Greek Art)

c. 200 B.C
6ft. 8ins. High

Subjective Frame provides a sense of beauty but also modesty of Aphrodite, the Roman goddess of love her body shaped and smoothness exhibits an innocence as well as care by in which the structure was made

Structural Frame representation of the Hellenistic period which stylised towards the naturalistic approach
‘the naked torso in the ‘S’ pose as realistic nude conveys seem less beauty about the goddess and her expressing her whole self, naked body and all

Cultural Frame
Greeks within this period had a strong interest in the realism and highly developing techniques in their work to reflect the physical world as well as the new found subjects of love, hatred, suffering and death messages were established well and her elongated silhouette and facial lack of emotion made this period timeless

Mona lisa LEORNADO DA VINCI (renaissance art)

Realistic portrait painting on panels of a woman – Oil paint
Painted in Italy but shown in France
Oil paints allowed him to achieve flawless transition between tone and colour
Audience is interactive with the subject – her eyes are painted for the responder to believe she is always watching them  provoking interest
Dealing with concepts of beauty and real form
No eyebrows, small smirk, distinct eyelashes, no facial hair – expression of ideals expressed within this era (femininity and