Although it may be a very sensitive topic for some people, it is something that must be strongly pressed on today’s generation of girls and boys both. Reading the story “The Rise of DIY Abortions,” is a prime example as to why abortions should not be talked down on. In so many cases are abortions the best decision that can possibly be made, not only for the mothers sake but for the sake of the child. Many people frown upon abortions, not thinking clearly on how bad the end result may be. Some females abuse the use of abortions, but that does not point the finger at every pregnant female. Who’s to say a female is ready to have a baby after being raped and/or molested. At times females have children at a young age and are not mature enough themselves to raise a baby. It takes a mature young lady to say “I cannot take on the responsibility of a child, I am a child myself.” In many cases are abortions completely understandable decisions, and don’t always have to be looked down on.
The story “The Rise of DIY Abortions,” is a story about a girl named Jennie Linn McCormack from southeast Idaho who conceived a child at a very young age. Not only was she young, but she was immature, very independent, and young minded. The mistake that the majority of the young females make today is that “they believe.” They listen to what these young men promise them, and the end result is a child. Like a lot of relationships today, they got involved at a young age and they paid the price. Parents always look out for the safety of their child. A mother or father in most situations will not tell you to do something to hurt you, only to help you. Jennie refused to get an abortion, and unfortunately from that point on in her life she continued to have children.
After having a child she began to realize the importance of having a job and an education. She had received her GED, and had been going to school for teen parents. She had worked at a few different places such as the car wash, McDonalds, and the Laundromat. In the process of trying to make better decisions for herself and as well as her son, at the age of 18 she married a man who had been working for a heating and air conditioning business. She is now approximately 19 years old, and is giving birth to her first baby girl. In a blink of an eye, she found herself going through her first divorce in the year of 2004.
Linn had no stability in her life. She was unorganized, and always going from one relationship to the next. In just about every relationship she was bringing babies into this world that she could not mentally or physically take care of. Having a baby is a full time job, and it is not something that everybody can handle. When having baby/babies you must be sure you can take very good care of them, not only because they can’t take care of themselves, but because you made the decision to bring them into this world, and by doing so it is almost as if you signed your life away to this child. You are then to stop living for yourself, and begin living for your children.
In 2009, Linn conceived her third child. She had given birth to another baby boy, fathered by someone she did not have a long term relationship with. This is a prime example of a female who had been looking for love in all of the wrong places. She lacked attention growing up, and as she got older she made permanent decisions, with temporary people. She thought about nobody but herself, and then in the end was left with no man/ husband, and just another innocent child to take care of.
Jennies’ son had been about three months old when she had began dating a friend from the past named Buddy Lee. He did not have such a great background. He had just finished serving some prison time for a robbery charge that he committed. With a background like that you wouldn’t usually expect too much from. Sadly to say, but occasionally there was violence involved, followed by restraining orders, and another pregnancy.