Pre: Sociology and Skills Positive Stereotype Essay

Submitted By dokmcstuffens
Words: 893
Pages: 4

Essentialism-comes from biology can predict behavior based from race
Objectivist view of social problems-anything that causes harm is a SP
Critiques of the objectivist view-it’s the structure that is wrong, harm is broad range and vauge
Subjectivist view of social problems-asks what people say is a problem
The process of “aggregating” (What does it mean? How does it work? Why does it matter?)-lumps together
Race- associated with biology black white
Ethnicity- associated with culture, polish
The “no-race” theory-there is no biological basis for the current race categories
Essential identity-the belief in a true self
Sex-biological & physio characteristics
Gender- assumes that gender=sex, constraining for everyone sociological
Looping or Rereading-interpreting behavior through ones status
Discredited-stigma known and Discreditable-stigma not yet known
Passing-not reviling stigmatized status
Double Consciousness-your understanding of the world, plus others
Covering- down playing of a known stigma
Excess mortality-# of deaths above the expected level holding factors like income constant
Returns on education: Money you get for each year/degree of schooling
Selective immigration-allowing immigration by people with $$ or rare skills
Positive stereotype- of model minorities, punishes those who don’t conform
How social beliefs shape science-1questions asked 2methods&how try to answer ? 3 how we interpret results
Tokenistic Fallacy-obama
Inertia-reluctance to alter existing social arrangements
Beneficiaries- people who stand to benefit from a social movement's success
Constituents- people who support a social movement
Conscience constituents- people who contribute money or even join demonstrations because they believe in a particular cause, although they are not direct beneficiaries of that cause
Globalization-is the spread of stronger economic and social connections linking people from all over the globe.
NGOs (pg 95)-Non-governmental organizations, provides services that the government usually would but are privately owned. Do not have to reflect the demands of the people. And can provide services to those whom they feel deserve it.
Obesity epidemic –change in measurements, little to do with BMI
Secondary claims-shorter and less dramatic
Newsworkers’ “professional standards” (pg 134)
Dispossessed claimsmakers (pg 143)-not seen as ligament claims market
Landmark narratives-not typical, but seen as representative of issue
Condensing symbols-like frame focuses on some aspect and ignore other
How did the public react to claims about terrorism after the attacks on September 11, 2001?
Why did retribution/justice make sense to people in the United States as a response to 9-11? (what factors that shape public opinion might have been at play here?)
Reality judgments-what is real, shapes media coverage
Policymakers-anyone who provides services
Problem recognition stream-outside claims makers
Policy proposal stream-inner claims makers, can go to directly to policy makers
Political stream-politicians and elected officials
The policy stream model (pg 201)
Status offenses (box 7.2, pg 205)
Causal stories-telling stories about what caused a problem, shapes the solution
Target population of the policy-who it is supposed to affect
Instrumental purposes of policies (pg 216)-can create ways the policy is going to make things better
Symbolic purposes of policies (pg 216)-how the policy reinforces certain moral values
Who makes policy in the United States?-anyone can
Sociological denial-ignoring social cause of problem, focus on individual cause only
Socially Constructed Systems of Stratification: Created by society not biology, it is a system that create hierarchy. Have a mental image of a pyramid.
Sociological imagination: Look at the world sociologically, or like an alien. Look at