Can Sacrifice be Rewarding?
“My Sacrifice” Project A sacrifice is a loss or something you give up, usually for the sake of a better cause. It can also be doing something you loath (hate) to do, but you do it because you know it will make someone you love happy. Parents sacrifice time and sleep to take care of their children, while kids might sacrifice TV time to hang out with mom and dad.
We all have something in our lives, which we feel we could not live without. For this project, you will sacrifice something or do something you hate for an entire week for someone you love.
The assignment will consist of a daily record of how you managed each day without what you chose to sacrifice or coped with doing something you hate.
Brainstorm the following before choosing your sacrifice:
1. What is something you have that you rely on, even though you know that you should not?
2. What is something that your parents or friends complain that you do too much?
3. Is there something you have wanted to give up, but do not think you can?
4. What is something you hate to do, but you know if you did it you would make others very happy?
Questions to ask yourself in order to complete your record:
How much time a day was I dedicating to what I chose to sacrifice? Explain.
Am I saving time or money as a result of my sacrifice? Explain.
How am I using my time or money that I have saved? Explain.
How am I behaving toward my family and friends since I began my sacrifice? Explain.
How are my family and friends behaving toward me? Explain.
What has been the hardest part of my sacrifice? Explain.
Is this something I