In the article “Can the Postal Service be Saved?” is about how the postal service is not delivering on Saturdays anymore because it will save them money. Congress is trying to go to court to block any change from the postal service delivering. General Donahoe says it is necessary to cut Saturday because the mail volume is dropping very dramatically every year and they are cutting everything they can to make their business ideal. I think the author’s purpose was to inform people about how the postal service in August is not delivering mail on Saturdays anymore because of finical cost and cutting back on the dramatic drop each year. I feel that the postal service not delivering mail on Saturdays anymore would be okay that means I don’t have to get up and go get the mail on Saturday. I just think that wouldn’t people’s pay check be smaller since they get Saturday and Sunday but also that’s a good thing because they get two days off instead just Sunday. This article doesn’t relate to my life but it does relate to someone I know. My mom’s friend works for the postal office and I just wonder what she thinks about not delivering mail on Saturdays. If it was me I would be happy not to work on Saturdays and Sundays. This also connects to the article “Can the U.S. Postal Service Be Saved?” because it talks about how the postal service can still deliver on Saturdays. “One of the ways the bill would cut operating costs is by taking funds set aside for
Gonzalez 1 Raul Gonzalez Mrs. Lewis AP Language 20 April 2015 The United States Postal Service The twentieth century is the new decade of innovations in communication across the United States, and the new era of delivering mail. Unfortunately, The United States Postal Service (USPS) hasn't caught up to the new idea on how to deliver mail or packages in twentieth century, therefore the USPS has lost revenue, and cut back on delivery days…
say in their listings: "Seller is not responsible for damage in transit" or "Seller is not responsible if insurance is not purchased". WRONG! Sellers CAN be held liable in both cases IF your item is packaged improperly. As a matter of fact, postal insurance WILL NOT COVER anything damaged due to improper packaging. And it doesn't take much for an item to be improperly packaged. Some sellers are just lazy and cheap and will just throw an item in a box without much (if any) packing materials…
shall represent the public interest generally, and shall be chosen solely on the basis of their experience. The Governors shall not be representatives using the Postal Service, and may be removed only for cause. (2) The amendment shall not affect the appointment or tenure of any person serving as a Governor of the United States Postal Service, unless such office becomes vacant, the appointment of any person to fill that office shall be made in accordance with such amendment. (b) In the Consultation…
Discussion #1 A CONTRACT case that I found online that I thought to be interesting was a lawsuit concerning Lance Armstrong. The U.S. Postal service said that Armstrong violated a CONRACT that he had with them because he was “unjustly enriched” and cheated to win the Tour de France. The postal service paid $40 million to be the title sponsor of Armstrong’s teams and paid him for 6 of his 7 victories and said they wouldn’t have done so if they had have known Armstrong was “doping” up. The complaint…
Strategic Plan for United States Postal Service Roberto W Zayas University of Phoenix Table of Contents Executive Summary | 2 | Company Background | 4 | Vision, Mission, and Values Statement | 5 | Environmental Analysis | 6 | Non-Economic Factors in Remote Environment | 8 | Competitive Analysis | 10 | Strategic Analysis and Choice | 12 | Plan Goals and Implementation | 14 | Critical Success Factors | 16 | Controls and Evaluations | 16 | Conclusion | 17 | References…
U.S. Postal Service Problems: Consolidation and Other Solutions M. T. Town San Antonio, TX Abstract The financial problems plaguing the U.S. Postal Service are problems that—despite appearing insurmountable—are ones that can be resolved. Several problems are explained and several solutions are presented. Despite the decrease in mail volume over the last decade, the USPS can turn around its losses if the government loosens political restraints it has imposed on it. This includes eliminating…
The Universal Postal Union The Universal Postal Union (UPU) is the second oldest existing interstate organization in the United Nations. It has continuous record of useful service to the international community, extending over a long period. This IO was first established as the Union Générale des Postes (General Postal Union) on October 9, 1874 as a result of the Treaty of Bern. However, four years later the name was changed to Universal Postal Union as a result in the growing…
States Postal Service is to create “a free flow of information between citizens and their governemnt as a cornerstone of freedom, often spoke of a nation bound together by a system of postal roads and post offices.” (Longley 2013) Postal offices are forbidden to open any letters unless it is undelieverbale. The United States Postal Service (USPS) is resposible for providing postal services for the United States to all Americans no matter the geographical location. The United States Postal Service is…
Company Background The United States Postal Service (USPS) is an independent agency of the United States federal government and legally responsible for providing postal service to every American in any location within the United States. The USPS is one of only a few organizations who are authorized by the United States Constitution. The USPS can be dated back to 1775. In 1971 the Postal Reorganization Act made it what it is today. Today the USPS has roughly…
UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Candidate Profile The US Postal Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer A. General Information 1. Name (First, MI, Last) Simone Charles 4. Mailing Address (No., Street, City, State, Zip Code) 20842 Elaine Ave 2. Primary Phone 562-794-5555 5. Mobile Phone 562-794-5555 3. Business Phone 562-794-5555 6. Preferred Phone Mobile Phone Lakewood, CA, 90715 8. Position Applied For 7. Place of Birth (City & State or City & Country) Norwalk,CA 9. Job Posting 10. E-Mail simonemcharles1@gmail…